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eValid -- Health Check Report Analysis --
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This page presents results of a standard eValid Health Check analysis of a website or sub-website.

Constraints, Parameters and Limitations
This Health Check analysis was performed with these constraints set by the user.

Customer Identification Mr. John Q. Doe, VP/CIO
Starting URL
Activity Interval One time sample report.
Search Depth Maximum 3
Search Time Maximum 20 minutes
Search Span Maximum 1000 links
Check Off-Site Links Yes
Slow Loading Pages Report Yes
Slow Loading Page Threshold 2000 msec
(2.0 sec)
Unavailable Pages Report Yes

ReportReport Description
Unavailable Links Report Lists all those URLs within the website or sub-website that were unavailable to the eValid browser during the SiteMap analysis. These are pages that could cause users to click away.
Slow Loading Pages Report This report shows, in reverse time order, the URLs that loaded slower than the threshold limit. These are pages that could cause users to click away.
Unique URLs Map This report shows each URL that was visited, but for brevity only shows the first instance of where it was referenced.
Click here to launch eValid 3D SiteMap The 3D-SiteMap image is activated by clicking on the 3D-SiteMap icon at left. To manipulate the map follow the instructions shown on the 3D-SiteMap display.