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Top 10 Fortune 500 Commercial Banks Compared
Best Online Experience
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How do the WebSites of the Top 10 Commercial Banks within the Fortune 500 compare in terms of Best Online Experience?

For this comparative analysis of websites we define two important dimensions that allow us to rank order each website in terms of Best Online Experience:

We used the eValid website analysis engine, programmed (see below) to collect specific metrics that contribute to these factors. To assure accuracy the measurements were done over a short time frame and using identical access capabilities.

The technical measurements we made of the websites of the largest 10 of the Fortune 500 Companies [as of 15 March 2003; these have recently changed slightly]. The analyses led to the following Best Online Experience comparison chart.

The best-performing websites are in the upper right of the chart, and the worst-performing websites are in the lower left of the chart.

Individual Summary Results
The table below shows all of the results used to construct the comparative chart. Click to see the eValid Summary Report with the raw data. Click to see the 3D-SiteMap for each WebSite. Here are Animations and Usage Instructions for the 3D-SiteMaps. Right-click anywhere on any 3D-SiteMap for documentation. Here are some Usage Hints if you want to dig deeper in the 3D-SiteMaps.

#CompanyClick For
CommentsClick For
1 Bank of America Corp. ($53B)
eValid Report C+: Large (over 5000 links), very quick but not particularly current and with a large number of broken/unavailable links. Click here to launch eValid 3-D SiteMap A: This structure is conventional, good spread, only a few backward links.
2 Bank One Corp. ($25B)
eValid Report A+: A relatively smaller site, less than 500 pages, but quick and well maintained with good connectivity. Click here to launch eValid 3-D SiteMap C+: Too many layers from the base URL, too many backward links.
3 FleetBoston ($19B)
eValid Report A: With about 700 pages and 4100 links, this website appears to be optimum in size, is very clean and very fast. Click here to launch eValid 3-D SiteMap B+: Clean and simple, but some backward links. Reasonably good spread out between layers.
4 J.P. Morgan Chase ($50B)
eValid Report B+: Compact, self contained, relatively slower site with very few problem pages and very good currency and connectivity. Click here to launch eValid 3-D SiteMap B: Small and clean organization but the two levels from the top hint at conflicts.
5 MBNA ($10B)
eValid Report A: A compact site with over 700 pages and only 1405 links, quite quick, but not as well maintained as some. Click here to launch eValid 3-D SiteMap B+: Clean organization, but perhaps too deep, a few reverse links, none broken in the top layers.
6 National City Corp. ($9B)
eValid Report A+: Very large (over 5000 links) but very clean, well maintained, and very fast. Click here to launch eValid 3-D SiteMap A+: Very clean, very direct, good spread.
7 SunTrust Banks ($B)
eValid Report B: A very large website (over 5000 links), relatively clean and with good connectivity. Well maintained but slow. Click here to launch eValid 3-D SiteMap A-: Only two reverse links, and a single shallow layer, which may be overly complex.
8 U.S. Bancorp ($16B)
eValid Report A+: Large (over 5000 links), relatively clean, and the fastest of the websites in this group. Click here to launch eValid 3-D SiteMap B: Good spread, but too many layers, too many backward links.
9 Wachovia Corp.($22B)
eValid Report A: Very large site (over 5000 links), quick and very well maintained but with a few broken/unavailable links. Click here to launch eValid 3-D SiteMap B-: Confused dependence from the base URL, too many layers, too many backward links.
10 Wells Fargo ($27B)
eValid Report C: Very large (over 5000 links) website, good connectivity between pages, very clean but the slowest of the group. Click here to launch eValid 3-D SiteMap A: Narrow and deep, with a lot of links on the 2nd layer.

To collect the data used in the chart we used the eValid website analysis engine with parameter settings as follows:

Web Access Details
All tests were done on a 384 Kbps (peak performance value) ADSL connection. The data was collected with successive eValid runs in a serial sequence during the normal business day.