Your e-Business Quality Partner eValid™ -- Automated Web Quality Solution
Browser-Based, Client-Side, Functional Testing & Validation,
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eValid Maintenance Subscription Details
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A Maintenance Subscription is available on eValid products at an additional 20% per year (at least 12 full months) of the current list price of the eValid product configuration licensed. Maintenance Subscription benefits include all of the following.

Purchasing Details
Original maintenance Subscriptions must be purchased within 30 days of the license purchase date for the 20% rate to apply.

Renewal of maintenance subscriptions must be also be completed within the 30-day grace period. After the 30-day grace period has expired your maintenance subscription is considered "lapsed" and cannot be restored without a product purchase.

Updates may be made available to at our discretion at discounts based on the original amounts paid and the length of time since the original purchase was made.

Product version upgrades (e.g. from Version 8 to Version 9) are at least 20% of the current List Price per step, so it generally is less expensive (and also much more convenient) to purchase a Maintenance Subscription within the 30-day grace period.

Obtaining Support
There are multiple ways to request technical support; some groundrules and restrictions apply.

Support of Discontinued Versions
Insofar as possible we will provide technical information and advice on prior and/or discontinued versions of eValid. However, we generally will provide this information based on the capabilities and features of the current product version. Technical changes to discontinued product versions as part of maintenance support are not available.

Limits and Disclaimers
As a practical matter we will do our best effort to address and answer every technical question or incident report as quickly as we can, but we can make no guarantee on when technical questions will be answered or when incidents will be resolved.

Extended Technical Support
In keeping with industry practice, if an excessive number of questions arise from one maintenance subscription we reserve the right, determined in our sole discretion, to provide subsequent technical support on that subscription at a fixed price of $250/incident, or at a consulting rate support of $125/hour actually expended, whichever is larger.

We will inform a customer when subsequent incidents on that maintenance subscription will be chargeable. Typically, consulting level support "kicks in" if the length of time answering a question is greater than 15 minutes or if the customer requests a web meeting to explain an incident. Paid-per-incident product support generally receives priority over unpaid incident support, but that is not guaranteed.