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Browser-Based Client-Side Functional Testing and Validation Page Timing/Tuning Transaction Monitoring. WebSite Spidering & Analysis and Realistic Server Loading.
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eValid -- Power User Tips & Tricks
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eValid Power User's Tips and Tricks can help you use eValid to get better results, quicker, and easier. Each Tips and Tricks item addresss one or two issues that will help you to increase your effectiveness with eValid.

> Ramping Up a LoadTest Scenario

  eValid has a built-in "Delay" command which has a variety of uses
  during script playback.  For example, this command can be inserted
  into a script to create a ramp-up type LoadTest scenario.

  To create a LoadTest which ramps-up the load on the target machine
  by 2 virtual users every 1 minute you merely insert Delay commands
  in the LoadTest script, as shown in this example.

    # eValid script to demonstrate load ramp-up...

    ProjectID "Project"
    GroupID "Group"
    TestID "Load_Ramp"

    LoadType THIN
    Serve FULL

    # Start with two users...
    _eValid "Test.1.evs" "Test.1" "10" "" "-pm 1.0"
    _eValid "Test.2.evs" "Test.2" "10" "" "-pm 1.0"

    # Add in two more user...
    Delay 60000
    _eValid "Test.3.evs" "Test.3" "10" "" "-pm 1.0"
    _eValid "Test.4.evs" "Test.4" "10" "" "-pm 1.0"

    # Add in two more user...
    Delay 60000
    _eValid "Test.5.evs" "Test.5" "10" "" "-pm 1.0"
    _eValid "Test.6.evs" "Test.6" "10" "" "-pm 1.0"

    # Add in two more user...
    Delay 60000
    _eValid "Test.7.evs" "Test.7" "10" "" "-pm 1.0"
    _eValid "Test.8.evs" "Test.8" "10" "" "-pm 1.0"

    # Add in two more user...
    Delay 60000
    _eValid "Test.9.evs" "Test.9" "10" "" "-pm 1.0"
    _eValid "Test.10.evs" "Test.10" "10" "" "-pm 1.0"

    # End of Script

  On playback, this LoadTest script will initially open 2 browser
  instances of eValid and gradually ramp up the playback every 60000
  msec (60 seconds, 1 minute) in increments of 2 browser sessions