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eValid -- Power User Tips & Tricks
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eValid Power User's Tips and Tricks can help you use eValid to get better results, quicker, and easier. Each Tips and Tricks item addresss one or two issues that will help you to increase your effectiveness with eValid.

> Customizing eValid Script Playback

  eValid has a unique capability to allow users to add special
  effects to customize a recorded script.

  All these commands are found in the Extrinsic Command menu item in
  eValid's script dialog window (Insert > Extrinsic Commands).

  To illustrate such an effect, we can add a "MessageWindow" command
  in the script file to help an eValid user identify what is
  happening during a playback session by adding customized messages
  throughout the script.

  To create customized message windows follow these simple steps:

  (1) Record a new script or edit an existing one.

  (2) If using an existing script, load the script file into the
      script window to prepare for editing. If using a newly
      recorded script, simply click on the "Edit" button located in
      the center of the toolbar or simply press the shortcut key,
      "Ctrl + E".

  (3) During edit mode, click on the part of the script where the
      commands will be inserted.

  (4) Click on "Insert > Extrinsic Commands > MessageWindow" to
      insert the message window command into the script.

      For example, your script might look like this:

          # MessageWindow "MESSAGE" [seconds [x y w h]]
          MessageWindow "Your text here" 5 200 300 400 200

      The message window can be fully customized to display plain
      text as well as HTML at any location in the desktop, width and
      height adjustable, as well as length of time for window to
      stay open.