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eValid -- Power User Tips & Tricks
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eValid Power User's Tips and Tricks can help you use eValid to get better results, quicker, and easier. Each Tips and Tricks item addresss one or two issues that will help you to increase your effectiveness with eValid.

> Recording Swing-Based Java Applets

  Recording Java applets in eValid can be as easy as selecting the
  type of events that you would like to be recorded from the eValid
  Preferences (Choose Settings > Advanced Record/Play Prefs).  From
  there select either Miscellaneous Recording or Absolute Events.
  For most Java applets the options in the Miscellaneous Recording
  screen are sufficient.

  However, Java applets which are programmed using Sun Microsystems
  "Swing" API need to be recorded in a specific way to assure
  reliable playback.  To record these applets, follow these simple

  (1) Open the eValid "Advanced Record/Play Preferences" window.

  (2) Select the "Absolute Events" section of the advanced

  (3) From the "Absolute Events" section, select the appropriate
      mouse event type which you want to use and be recorded.

  (4) Save your settings.

  (5) Select OK.

  (6) Start your recording.

  (7) Before interacting with the Java applet, enable eValid's
      "Application Mode" and the record normally.

The appropriate event interactions with the Java applet should now
be recorded into the test script file.