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eValid -- Power User Tips & Tricks
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eValid Power User's Tips and Tricks can help you use eValid to get better results, quicker, and easier. Each Tips and Tricks item addresss one or two issues that will help you to increase your effectiveness with eValid.

> Comparing Images With eValid

  In certain applications, test cases are created where it is
  important to check if the image that is delivered by the server
  and rendered on a page is the image that should be available in a
  web page.

  This can be done using eValid's "CompareImages" command.  eValid
  can save an image locally as a baseline image file from a web page
  and then compare it with the retrieved image (the response image
  file).  The response image is saved locally using the "Save
  Selected Image" command.

  To compare images in this way, follow the simple step outline

  (1) Start recording.

  (2) Navigate to the desired website starting page.

  (3) Select the image you want to compare and save a copy locally.
      This can be done by highlighting the image, and then using the
      "Save Selected Image" command and using a filename that
      indicates you are using this file as your response image.

  (4) Stop recording.

  (5) Copy the saved image as your baseline image file.

  (5) Edit the script and insert the "CompareImages" command after
      the "Save Selected Image" command with the filenames of the
      two images as the arguments to the "CompareImages" command.

  On playback, eValid will save a copy of the selected image and
  execute the CompareImages command.  This command will compare the
  response image to the baseline image.  An error message is
  reported in the event log if the two images are unequal.