> Understanding Page Download Times in eValid
There is a common misconception that timing the download times of
a webpage is based on entering the URL on the address bar and
seeing the "Done" status message from the browser. Unfortunately,
appearance of Done in the browser status bar doesn't always mean
Understanding how download times are measured in eValid is
critical to a better understanding of the performance of a website
that is being tested with eValid.
The download times measured by eValid during the playback process
is very precise. It is based on the arrival of an internal "Page
Complete" signal from the browser navigation which is issued by
eValid, not by the issuance of "Done" status message usually seen
in the lower left hand side of a browser.
The "visual front-end" appearance of the page currently being
rendered does NOT imply that the page being navigated to has
completely loaded. Depending on the page, you'll see part of it
visually several seconds before the page is fully loaded.
The reason why eValid reports a download time in the log files
that may appear longer than the "visual front-end appearance time"
is that eValid waits for all page components to complete
downloading before stopping the timer -- i.e. when the "Page
Complete" signal is received. For example, this background
process may involve downloading often-lengthy *.js or *.css files,
or downloading of images that aren't needed for the "visual
front-end" to show on the browser face.