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eValid -- Power User Tips & Tricks
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eValid Power User's Tips and Tricks can help you use eValid to get better results, quicker, and easier. Each Tips and Tricks item addresss one or two issues that will help you to increase your effectiveness with eValid.

> Email Notification

  eValid has a set of commands that enable the user to be
  automatically notified via email if an abnormality in the script
  file is detected based on the status of the playback script. These
  set of commands also allow file attachments to be sent along with
  the email notification for the user to quickly identify and
  address the cause of the alert.

  These commands can also be used to collect log information from
  remotely controlled tests in a specific location.

  Here are the email commands available and a brief description of

  (1) Email "address" "subject" "message" "attachment".  Sends an
      email message to the specified address in the script command.

  (2) OnAlarmEmail "email-address" "subject" "message" "attachment-
      path".  Sends an email message to the specified address when
      an Alarm is triggered during script playback. Alarming
      functions can be configured in eValid by pressing "Record >
      Timer > Set Alarm" command from the eValid pull-down menu.

  (3) OnErrorEmail "address" "subject" "message" "attachment-path".
      Sends an email message to the specified address when an Error
      is encountered during playback.

  (4) OnTimeoutEmail "address" "subject" "message" "attachment-
      path".  Sends an email message to the specified address when
      the threshold specified in the eValid preferences is exceeded
      causing a "Timeout" to be issued during playback.

  (5) OnWarningEmail "address" "subject" "message" "attachment-
      path".  Sends an email message when a "Warning" message is
      encountered during script playback.