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eValid -- Power User Tips & Tricks
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eValid Power User's Tips and Tricks can help you use eValid to get better results, quicker, and easier. Each Tips and Tricks item addresss one or two issues that will help you to increase your effectiveness with eValid.

> Mapping WebSites with Search Limitations

  Mapping large websites in one process often produces a very large
  amount of data and is often useless to the user. By splitting the
  analysis of a website into parts, the user produces more
  manageable data and can perform the analysis more quickly compared
  to analyzing one big report.

  eValid has a number of options which can be set to limit a single
  site analysis run. The user has the option to set the threshold
  for the site analysis based on:

  (1) Depth -- Sets the maximum depth of the search which starts
      from the starting URL of the Site Analysis.  The default value
      for the depth is 2.  For most searches we recommend a depth of

  (2) Time -- Sets the maximum time in elapsed minutes of the Site
      Analysis.  The default value for the maximum time is 60
      minutes.  For most searches we recommend a maximum time of 60

  (3) Number of Links -- Sets the maximum number of links to be
      handled during the Site Analysis run.  The default value for
      the maximum number of links is 500.  For most searches we
      recommend a maximum number of links of 1000-2000.

  (4) Number of URLs -- Sets the number of URLs or Webpages to be
      handled during the Site Analysis run.  The default value for
      the maximum number of URLs is 100 For most searches we
      recommend a maximum number of URLs of 300-500.

  (5) Total Kilobytes Downloaded -- Set the maximum number of
      Kilobytes to be downloaded during the Site Analysis run.  The
      default value for the maximum number of Kilobytes is 1000.
      For most searches we recommend a maximum number of Kilobytes
      of 10,000 (10 Megabytes).

  Note: The user can check if the limits are set by checking the
  Site Analysis Status Update page during the mapping process.