> Handling PopUp Windows
PopUp windows are sometimes part of a website that are intended to
generate interest and/or to collect data from the user. eValid
3.n and 4.n can both record and play pages that generate PopUps --
and record and play activity on the PopUp windows -- but you need
to be careful about how this is done to get the best results.
* Modal Dialog PopUps
Both eValid 4 and eValid 3.2 handle modal dialogs very well.
Use the special modal-dialog commands that are located on the
Script Dialog box to feed inputs to a modal dialog.
* JavaScript PopUps Without Human Input
These normally are separate windows launched from the parent
eValid 4 records these as a child of the parent window, and if
you simply close the PopUp eValid 4 records a WindowClose event.
eValid 3.2 will handle child PopUps in Application Mode, and the
recording will reference the window and the absolution action to
* JavaScript PopUps With Input
This is a more complex situation, because in many cases the child
window communicates with the parent window.
eValid 4 records actions in the PopUP child window in normal
browser mode, and it will reference actions to the numbered sub-
window you're recording from. All regular eValid validation and
checking functions are available for the child windows.