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eValid -- Power User Tips & Tricks
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eValid Power User's Tips and Tricks can help you use eValid to get better results, quicker, and easier. Each Tips and Tricks item addresss one or two issues that will help you to increase your effectiveness with eValid.

> Handling PopUp Windows

  PopUp windows are sometimes part of a website that are intended to
  generate interest and/or to collect data from the user.  eValid
  3.n and 4.n can both record and play pages that generate PopUps --
  and record and play activity on the PopUp windows -- but you need
  to be careful about how this is done to get the best results.

  * Modal Dialog PopUps

  Both eValid 4 and eValid 3.2 handle modal dialogs very well.
  Use the special modal-dialog commands that are located on the
  Script Dialog box to feed inputs to a modal dialog.

  * JavaScript PopUps Without Human Input

  These normally are separate windows launched from the parent

  eValid 4 records these as a child of the parent window, and if
  you simply close the PopUp eValid 4 records a WindowClose event.

  eValid 3.2 will handle child PopUps in Application Mode, and the
  recording will reference the window and the absolution action to

  * JavaScript PopUps With Input

  This is a more complex situation, because in many cases the child
  window communicates with the parent window.

  eValid 4 records actions in the PopUP child window in normal
  browser mode, and it will reference actions to the numbered sub-
  window you're recording from.  All regular eValid validation and
  checking functions are available for the child windows.