Your e-Business Quality Partner eValid™ -- The Web Quality Suite
Browser-Based Client-Side Functional Testing and Validation Page Timing/Tuning Transaction Monitoring. WebSite Spidering & Analysis and Realistic Server Loading.
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eValid -- Power User Tips & Tricks
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eValid Power User's Tips and Tricks can help you use eValid to get better results, quicker, and easier. Each Tips and Tricks item addresss one or two issues that will help you to increase your effectiveness with eValid.

> How to Monitor a WebSite Page for Response Time

  By using eValid as an engine to perform monitoring functions on a
  website, the user can provide optimum website performance by
  performing 5 minute tests, 24 hours a day, to check for the
  response times being generated by their website and addressing any
  potential problems quickly, accurately.

  Follow these instructions to create a simple 5 Minute Interval
  Monitoring Test.

   (1) Create a script from the site which you wish to monitor by
       recording an "InitLink" command.

   (2) Stop recording.

   (3) To ensure that there is no cache buildup during the
       monitoring activity insert a "DeleteCache" command at the
       beginning of the script delete any items in the cache that
       may be left behind from the previous runs.

   (4) Configure the script to run every 5 minutes by adding a
       "WaitModMM 05" command at the beginning of the script which
       creates a 5 minute interval between each test run.

   (5) To obtain accurate Timing Data, reset the internal eValid
       timer prior to navigating to the website by adding a
       "ResetTimer" command.

   (6) For the accurate response times, add an "ElapsedTime" command
       in the script after the URL has been fully downloaded and
       rendered by eValid.

   (7) Your script should look something like this:

           # Start of eValid Script
           ProjectID "Project"
           GroupID "Group"
           TestID "Monitor"
           LogID "AUTO"
           WaitModMM 05
           InitLink ""
           # End of Script

   (8) Save the edited script.

   (9) Access the eValid preferences by pressing the shortcut keys
       "Ctrl + F2" and make sure that only the timing log is

  (10) Access the eValid preferences by pressing the shortcut keys
       "Ctrl + F2" and make sure that only the simple log output is
       selected as we are only interested in response times for the

  (11) Access the eValid preferences by pressing the shortcut keys
       "Ctrl + F2" and make sure that the "Append to Logs" option is
       selected to store each runs response time in the log file.

> Begin Monitoring State

   (1) Load the script file.

   (2) Select the "Run Forever" option in eValid to begin the script
       playback and run automatically every 5 minutes (that's what
       the "WaitModMM 05" command does).

   (3) Open the eValid Timing Log (scriptname-T.log) file to see the
       response times for the website being monitored.

  Note: The log file can be viewed both as a plain text, an HTML
  file, or as a spreadsheet.