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eValid -- Power User Tips & Tricks
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eValid Power User's Tips and Tricks can help you use eValid to get better results, quicker, and easier. Each Tips and Tricks item addresss one or two issues that will help you to increase your effectiveness with eValid.

> Cache Control

  In most cases, when we create a test recording we initially use
  the cache of files that download while browsing a page.  The cache
  usually contains page components such as images, cookies,
  javascript files, cascading style sheet files, etc.  Using the
  cache this way assures that the eValid playback is very realistic.

  But, what if you wish to run with an empty cache at the start of,
  or even part way through, a script playback?

  You might wish to do this to simulate starting the test with an
  empty cache, or to force re-download of a complex intermediate
  page (e.g. when that page contents may have changed based on what
  the test you are doing has already accomplished).

  eValid provides an extrinsic command to wipe out the contents of
  the cache at any point in playback, as specified by the user in
  the playback script.

  Follow these simple steps to delete the cache contents during
  playback by inserting a "DeleteCache" command:

    (1) Create a recording.

    (2) Stop recording.

    (3) Identify which part of the playback will no longer require
        the use of the Cache.

    (4) From the eValid script dialog box, click on "Edit > Insert >
        Extrinsic Commands > DeleteCache".

    (5) On playback, eValid will automatically delete the contents
        of the cache at the point where the "Delete Cache" command

> What about cookies?

  Depending on the option selected in the eValid Cache Manager,
  cookies may or may not be kept when the "DeleteCache" command