> Using Regular Expression Search for WebSite ADA Conformance
Using Regular Expression searches to find specific strings in a
page is a very powerful feature integrated into the eValid Site
Analysis Engine.
As an example, we will use eValid's Regular Expression Search to
help webmasters find and fix pages in a specific site which may
not conform to the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)
initiative that requires all images on a website to have an
Alternate Text Tag (ALT=).
To do this, we will search for pages that DO NOT contain the
"ALT=" tag within the "< IMG >" tags.
Follow these simple steps to create the Regular Expression Search:
(1) Launch eValid.
(2) Navigate to the site you wish to conduct the search on.
(3) Open the eValid Preferences by Clicking on "eValid > Settings
> Site Analysis Preferences" or simply by pressing the short-
cut "Ctrl + F3"
(4) Click on "Define Filters" to launch the eValid Site Analysis
Filter Preferences.
(5) Select the "Pages Matching Search Criteria" option.
(6) Enter the string as shown below (please be careful to enter it
_exactly_ as it is shown; regular expressions need to be be
very precisely expressed):
"<(I|i)(M|m)(G|g) [^<]*alt=.*>"
(7) Select the "Complete HTML" option.
(8) Select the "Regular Expression" option.
(9) Select the "Invert Logic (NOT)" option.
(10) Click on "Ok" to save the settings.
(11) Run the Site Analysis.
eValid should now create a report which displays all the pages
which DO NOT contain the "Alt=" tag within the HTML.
> For more information on web site conformance regulations, please
visit these pages:
< http://www.section508.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=Content&ID=12#Web >
< http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10/#Conformance >
< http://www.access-board.gov/sec508/508standards.htm >