> Cumulative Summary Report
eValid has a special feature called "Cumulative Summary" which
lets the user know of the results of a specific test without
actually going over the log file and interpreting it.
The "Cumulative Summary" gives the user specific details of the
test just run, including the timing details as start and end
times, and total run times. Also included are script command
details such as number of errors in the script are also shown.
Download details reported include the number of URLs visited and
total bytes downloaded. The status of the cache manager is also
shown for reference.
To view the Cumulative Summary for a specific test, follow these
simple instructions:
(1) Access the eValid Preferences by clicking on "eValid >
Settings > Record/Play Preferences" or by pressing the short-
cut key, "Ctrl + F2".
(2) Select the "Playback Data Dialog" option located in the
Playback section of the preferences.
(3) Save your settings.
(4) Play back your script.
(5) As soon as your script completes, you will be presented with
the Playback Data Dialog box which contains all the reports
for your test. Click on the "Cumulative" option at the bottom
of the dialog box to view the summary.