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eValid Power User's Tips and Tricks can help you use eValid to get better results, quicker, and easier. Each Tips and Tricks item addresss one or two issues that will help you to increase your effectiveness with eValid.

> How To Map Sites Accessed By Query Strings

  ** Problem

  Some WebSites are organized to deliver the pages based on the
  contents of ?name=value pairs that are selected within the browser
  and then sent to the server.  There are lots of ways to do this,
  JavaScript being just one alternative.

  You'll recognize this kind of page all of the URLs you navigate to
  on a WebSite have the same base URL but only differ in the content
  of the URL string after the "?".

  How do you do a detailed site analysis of such WebSites?

  ** Solution

  The eValid's site analysis engine has the option of providing the
  ability to "Limit by Extension/Query".  This alternative page
  selection method lets the retrieval engine get new pages based on
  selecting them when the contain a user specified ?name=value (or
  ?name=) substring.

  Choose the Search With Limitations option in the eValid Site
  Analysis Preferences.  Then click on Search with Limitations.

  For simplicity in this example, on the Limit by Protocols pulldown

  Now you will have the option to choose what extension/query to use
  and which protocols to use.

  In the Limit by Extension/Query section, type in the ?name=value
  pair or pairs [or, possibly, just the ?name= portion] for the pair
  or pairs that are to be held constant in your search.  Start your
  search and make sure the eValid site analysis engine is doing what
  you expect -- visiting the desired pages.

  Some experimentation may be needed to find the correct setting;
  every WebSite server is different.

  Once you have the correct setting, turn on the Site Analyzer and
  let it run!

  And, don't forget to select the page filters to apply as the
  search runs!