> Timing an FTP Download
In order to accurately measure FTP download times using eValid,
follow the simple steps outlined below in order to produce the
correct and accurate timing results desired.
(1) Navigate to the site where the file you wish to download is
(2) Click on the hyperlink that initiates the download process.
(3) Prior to the beginning of the download a Modal Dialog will
prompt the user to "Open" or "Save" the file. Choose "Open".
(Choosing to save it as a file will require a more complex
user intervention during playback.) Use the ModalDialog
commands in the eValid script dialog box (eValid: View >
Script Window) to add the Modal Dialog commands according to
the result desired.
(4) Once the file has been downloaded completely and opened,
toggle the Desktop recording feature of eValid to be able to
record the opened application.
(5) Make sure the playback will wait for the process to complete
by synchronizing a portion of the newly opened application
window using the available xySyncRect command to validate the
checksum on the selected area (eValid: Record Mode > Validate
> & Synchronize > Screen Window).
(6) Close the Application and stop the recording.
(7) Edit the newly created script by inserting the ResetTimer
command after the FollowLink command which initializes the
download process. Add the Elapsed time command at the end of
the script.
(8) On playback, the elapsed time it took to download, open and
close the application will be reflected in the proper logs.