> Selection Dependent List Boxes
In cases where two (or more) list boxes are dynamically dependent
on each other, normal recording using InputClick commands to make
a selection may not not produce the desired result because the
list box needs to sense a "Click" to activate the contents of the
dependent list box(s).
For example, consider a site where you select state in the primary
list box and then that selection affects the cities to be
displayed in the secondary list box.
Here are the steps to follow in eValid to record a selection
dependent listbox:
- Use Absolute Mode Recording.
- Toggle xyLClick "On "to record a click on the object.
- Use KeyBoard Scrolling to navigate through the selections in
the listbox.
- Use TabKey Command to navigate to the next field which will
dynamically activate/populate the contents of the next field.
- Toggle Absolute Mode Off (F11) to continue with normal
recording to avoid too many unwanted position dependent
- If KeyBoard Scrolling is not adequate for the listbox, use
Application Mode to record ALL mouse clicks sent to the page.
(Application Mode is the last resort.)