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eValid -- Power User Tips & Tricks
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eValid Power User's Tips and Tricks can help you use eValid to get better results, quicker, and easier. Each Tips and Tricks item addresss one or two issues that will help you to increase your effectiveness with eValid.

> Validating Screen Rectangles in a Sub Windows.

  To use eValid to validate a screen rectangle in a sub-window
  follow these simple steps:

   1. Start recording and navigate to the site where the sub-window
      is launched.  You will be prompted that eValid will begin
      recording in Application Mode.

   2. Once the sub-window is launched, make sure that the eValid
      window is currently in focus.  You can do this by clicking
      inside the eValid window (which might be recorded) or by
      clicking on the border (which won't be recorded).

   3. With the eValid window in focus, either use this eValid Menu

  eValid > Record Mode > Validate > & Synchronize > Screen Rectangle

      or press "Ctrl + Q" to activate the Validate & Synchronize

   4. After clicking OK, eValid anticipates the next two clicks as
      the two points of the corner of the synchronization rectangle.
      If the subwindow is exposed you can click once, then a second
      time there, to complete the recording.

   5. Alternatively, you can click on the border of the sub window
      to bring it into focus.  This click is not sensed by eValid,
      so it doesn't count as one of the two clicks eValid is
      expecting. Now go ahead and define the synchronization area.

  On playback, eValid will then select the area to be validated and
  will highlight the selection made.  An error is written in the log
  files if the checksum value generated during playback does not
  match the value calculated at the time the script was recorded.