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eValid -- Power User Tips & Tricks
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eValid Power User's Tips and Tricks can help you use eValid to get better results, quicker, and easier. Each Tips and Tricks item addresss one or two issues that will help you to increase your effectiveness with eValid.

> LoadTest Variable Timing

  To be able to realistically simulate a LoadTest, eValid has
  incorporated variable timings within the LoadTest Engine for the
  user to utilize variable delay multipliers to each line in a
  LoadTest Scenario. Having this option gives the user the
  flexibility to significantly alter how fast or how slow a
  particular eValid session is executed.


  # Multiple Delay Multipliers Set
  _eValid "C:\Project\Group\script1.evs" "CmdID001" "5" "" "-pm 2.0"
  _eValid "C:\Project\Group\script1.evs" "CmdID002" "5" "" "-pm 1.5"
  _eValid "C:\Project\Group\script1.evs" "CmdID003" "5" "" "-pm .01"

  # Group with same Delay Multiplier
  _eValid "C:\Project\Group\script1.evs" "CmdID004" "5" "" "-pm 1.0"
  _eValid "C:\Project\Group\script1.evs" "CmdID005" "5" "" "-pm 1.0"

  In the example given, the first 3 lines of the script were given
  multiple delay multiplier settings so the loadtest simulates the
  same script but with different speeds of execution. Paired along
  with a group which runs on the "Real Time" delay multiplier would
  make an excellent LoadTest Scenario.

  Note: A LoadTest Scenario may also involve various script files
        as each line as a completely independent session from each
        other and therefore adding more realism to the test.