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eValid -- Power User Tips & Tricks
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eValid Power User's Tips and Tricks can help you use eValid to get better results, quicker, and easier. Each Tips and Tricks item addresss one or two issues that will help you to increase your effectiveness with eValid.

> Setting Up Markers Within Log Files

  Reading a log file from a previous run can be somewhat tedious
  especially when it is a lengthy playback. A good practice to
  perform when making lengthy recordings is to put a note -- a 
  comment within the script to identify what is actually happening
  in the script.
  (1) Record your script as you would normally.
  (2) Identify each segment of your script by inserting the "Note"
      Syntax: Note "Comments"
      Note "Beginning of the script at"
      InitLink ""
      Note "Follows a link to"
      FollowLink "" ""
  (3) Stop your recording and playback your script.
  (4) Once playback has completed, check your logfiles (Event & 
      Message) to confirm that the comments have been successfully 
      recorded within the logfiles.
  (5) The result is an easier to read and less confusing logfile due
      to a simple addition to the script command window.
Note: The note command is different form the "#Comment" as it is only
      included in the script as compared to the "Note" command which 
      is also referred to in the appropriate logs.