> Setting Up a Multi Tier Alarm Script
The eValid timer alarms provide useful information to the user
who monitors the performance of a site by sending an email alert
to a specified recepient. This however, can result in numerous and
non-urgent email alerts. A good way of configuring eValid to send
only the most urgent email alert is by using a 3 Tier Alarm Script.
(1) Navigate to the page you want to monitor and edit in the
WaitMod commands to specify the exact time to run the script.
(2) Insert the "OnAlarmGoScript" command at the beginning
of the script and proceed to set the Timer Alarm.
#Launches the script every hour.
WaitModHH 00
# Launches the second script upon error
OnAlarmGoScript "script2.evs"
InitLink "URL"
Wait 1000
OvertimeAlarm 500 "Alarm Message " "" "" 2
(3) Copy the same script and rename it as the second script without
the Wait command and replacing the script called to the third
and final script.
# Launches the third script upon error
OnAlarmGoScript "script3.evs"
InitLink "URL"
Wait 1000
OvertimeAlarm 500 "Alarm Message " "" "" 2
(4) On the third and final script, simply add the Overtime Alarm
message with the corresponding CGI script and the recepients
email. You may also add a GoScript command to return to the
original script once the email alert has been sent.
OvertimeAlarm 500 "Alarm Message Here"
"CGI script here" "email here" 2
GoScript "script1.evs"
In the example shown, eValid will only send the email alert once
it has confirmed twice that the page loads slower than the
expected time and when the script has reached the final script
due to the errors reported.