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eValid -- Power User Tips & Tricks
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eValid Power User's Tips and Tricks can help you use eValid to get better results, quicker, and easier. Each Tips and Tricks item addresss one or two issues that will help you to increase your effectiveness with eValid.

> Using eValid's Validation Modes

  * Validation Explained

    Test validation in a record/play context like eValids is a way
    to record in the current test script information that you want
    checked during playback.  This is the essense of regression

    If the same results happen in playback -- at a later time -- the
    test PASSes.

    If the results fail in one or more ways the test FAILs.

    Remember, eValid is a robot so you have to tell it what you mean
    to have true [in the future] if you want it to tell you if
    something is goofed up.

  * How To Validate Document Properties

    	(1) From the eValid pull-down, select "eValid > 
	    Record Mode > Validate > Document > .." 
	    during record mode in order to capture the commands in 
	    the script.

	(2) The User will have choices as to what element of the 
	    document to be validated such as URL, Elements, Byte 
	    Size, Last Modified Date, & All Document Properties.

  * How to Validate Selected Elements in a Page

	(1) From the eValid pull-down, select "eValid > 
	    Record Mode > Validate > Selected > .." 
	    during record mode in order to capture the commands 
	    in the script.

	(2) The user can validate the selected image by capturing the
          name of the image and by comparing it with the one which
	    was downloaded during playback. To validate the image,
	    select it and hit  "Ctrl + Shift + I"

	(3) The user also has the option of Validating the Selected
	    Text. This is the most common validation function that
	    is used in eValid. The user basically highlights the text
	    to be validated and hit "Ctrl + T" to copy the 
	    selected text in the script window and will be compared 
	    to the text captured during playback.

	(4) Validate Slected Table Cell is done by validating the 
	    contents and the index value of the selected table cell. 
	    To validate the table cell, select it and hit  
	    "Ctrl + Shift + T"

  * How to Validate All Elements in a Page

	(1) The Validate All Elements Command is similar to the 
	    previous commands because all it does is capture all 
            similar elements in a page (e.g. Images, Text, Etc.) 
	    and validates them, thus eliminating the need to 
	    select each and every element to be validated.

	(2) To validate all the documents images, select 
	    "eValid > Record Mode > Validate > 
	    All > Images" or simply press
	    "Ctrl + Shift + J" and all images in 
	    the page you are currently recording on will 
	    automatically be added to the list generated 
            in the script.

	(3) If there are any Applets in the page and you would like 
	    to validate it, you can use the "Validate All 
	    Applets" to record it in the script and validate 
	    on playback.

	(4) To Validate All Element Id's in a document, 
	    select "eValid > Record Mode > 
	    Validate > All > Element ID's" or 
	    simply press "Ctrl + Shift + D".