> Mapping a Site where JavaScript is used in Navigation
Using JavaScript to navigate to a page sometimes does not work
well, with other site mapping tools because it relies on URLs to
be mapped properly.
To have eValid map such navigations, follow these steps:
(1) Navigate to the site you want to map.
(2) Start your recording.
(3) Perform a Dynamic Link Check by clicking "eValid > Record >
Wizards > Link Test Wizard > Dynamic Advanced"
(4) The DynamicLinkCheckX command will be appended to the end of
the script and consequently, a script will be created with
the same name given to the .evs file but with a -DLC
(DynamicLinkCheck) tag added to it.
(5) As soon as you play back the script, the newly created
script will then be loaded and will perform the actual
dynamic link checks based on the current links in the page.
A DynamicLinkCheckX is performed by eValid by gathering a list of
URLs which are available to navigate to. eValid then performs a
FollowLink to each URL and then executes a GoBackTo command to
return to the initial page.
A StaticLinkCheck reads the URLs which are available at the time
of recording and perform a GotoLink on each one. Any URLs which
are subsequently added after the recording has been made are not
included unless manually added in the link checking.