Your e-Business Quality Partner eValid™ -- The Web Quality Suite
Browser-Based Client-Side Functional Testing and Validation Page Timing/Tuning Transaction Monitoring. WebSite Spidering & Analysis and Realistic Server Loading.
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eValid -- Power User Tips & Tricks
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Become an eValid Power User!
eValid Power User's Tips and Tricks can help you use eValid to get better results, quicker, and easier. Each Tips and Tricks item addresss one or two issues that will help you to increase your effectiveness with eValid.

> Advantages of the eValid SiteMap Feature

   eValid has quite a number of advantages as compared to others software
   companies that produce SiteMapping Software. Below is a quick list of
   features that eValid has to offer.

   eValid's New Site Mapping Capability can:

   - Download each page from the browser.
   - determine which elements of the page took longer to download
   - search for specified test in a page
   - change SiteMap settings easily by using name profiling
   - generate a detailed report in HTML for all of the criteria
   - perform Client Side Link Checking
   - be specified to check for pages which are larger than
     the specified value.
   - be specified to check for pages which are older than
     the specified date.
   - be performed in Background Mode (Quick Mode).
   - be run in Normal Mode
   - be run in Full Browser Mode.
   - search with limitation to tags and extensions.

   And that's not all! Try eValid now and see for yourself the advantage
   our software has to offer!