> Setting Up eValid as a WebSite Timing Monitor
When measuring the performance of your site, it is critical to be aware
of the response time of each request that is sent to the server to be
processed. eValid produces timing logs which may be interpreted
graphically to be able to analyze data more efficiently.
(1) Make a recording of a simple navigation within the site that
you are testing.
(2) Set the level of the log message setting in the preferences to
(3) Set multiple playbacks in the preferences to a value of 10.
(4) Run the test by clicking on "eValid > Playback Mode > Control
Playback > Run Multiple" or simply by pressing "F9".
(5) Once the playback has completed click on "View > Timing Log".
(6) Once the Timing Log window has launched, click on the HTML Graph
Button to convert the current log to a graph. The log then
displays the timing graph for each run done as specified by the
number of multiple playbacks.