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eValid -- Power User Tips & Tricks
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eValid Power User's Tips and Tricks can help you use eValid to get better results, quicker, and easier. Each Tips and Tricks item addresss one or two issues that will help you to increase your effectiveness with eValid.

> Filling In Forms with the AbsTextEntry Command

  At times, when we make a recording of our inputs to forms that
  we fill in online, it does not get recorded properly and fails
  on playback especially if the recording was made from an applet.

  A useful function built-in eValid as an extrinsic command which
  is the AbsTextEntry command. Unlike the InputValue command which
  inputs text using the field name as reference, AbsTextEntry inputs
  the value through an absolute location in the form.

  You can manually add the AbsTextEntry Command where it is needed
  in the script.

  #Absolute Mouse Click is added to set the cursors position

  AbsLeftClick 100 382 29 46 656 665

  #Place the AbsTextEntry Command immediately following the
  #AbsLeftClick Caommand. Since an InputValue command cannot
  #be used in this instance, an Absolute Text Entry is done
  #to force eValid to input the text in the field.

  AbsTextEntry ""