> How to Protect User Names and Passwords
This function of eValid is most useful on WebSites that require user
name and passwords in order to be tested properly. eValid has the
capability to encrypt the text field entry made by the user during a
recording and thus preventing important information to be seen.
(1) Start a new recording.
(2) In the script file window, click on the "Toggle Input Text
Encryption" or the button with the "???".
(3) After doing this continue navigating or proceed to a WebSite
where it prompts the user for a User Name and Password.
(4) Log on as usual, and observe the script window as you do.
(5) As you will see in the scrip window, all the text the user
has entered during the recording has now been encrypted.
Don't worry, it will be decrypted automatically for you on
playback. Your User Name and Password are safe!