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Validate Selected Screen Rectangle
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This feature allows the user to select an area of the screen using two mouse clicks: i.e. top-left corner and bottom right corner. The outer edge of the rectangle is marked (using reverse color). A checksum is done on the pixels. On playback the same area of the screen is selected and the same checksum is performed. If the checksums do not match exactly eValid will continue looping at that point, re-selecting the area every 'n' milliseconds and comparing the checksums. Once they match (synchronization is achieved) playback will continue. If they do not match after a given time-out period an ERROR is shown in the log. Playback will continue but further errors should be expected.

A new menu item (with hot-key CTRL+Q) is located at:
    Record > Validate > & Synchronize > Screen Rectangle
This item will display a message box:

Until the second Left-Click (or a Right-click to cancel) has been made all other mouse activity is disabled. This prevents, e.g. screen color changes on a mouse-over which would affect the area being selected. All other windows events are processed as normal.

This is an advanced feature only available under the PROF (&EVAL) type licenses. It is considered "Absolute (Abs) Mode" as the browser window must be repositioned and resized on playback so it is in the same position as it was during the recording.

The actual command written to the script file is:

AbsValidateScreenRect x y w h checksum l t r b

where these values are defined here:

x,y Top-left coordinates of the selected rectangle
w,h Width and height of the selected rectangle
checksum The checksum made on the selected pixels
l,t Top-left coordinates of the browser window
r,b Bottom-right coordinates of the browser window

Editing Checksum value
This script line checksum value can be edited to force a test failure or it can be modified in case the actual screen value extracted in playback does not match the recorded value.

Implementation Note
Commands that refer to the "window face" assume that eValid has direct access to the pixel values on the screen face. When the information on the face is not available eValid will act to bring that part of the screen into focus, or to de-minimize it if possible. In some modes of playback operation, when for whatever reason the browser screen is not available, eValid is unable to successfully validate and/or synchronize.