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eValid -- Document URL Validation Extension Option -- Command Descriptions
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The basic idea of these commands is to provide extensions to the basic ValidateDocumentURL command to provide support for a number of additional features.

A URL used in browsers is generally composed of several components:

      <protocol>://<server>.<top-level-domain>/ of URL...?name=value [ name=value]

Here is how this works, based on the full URL:

  1. Full URL: The complete string as specified in the eValid browser address window.
        E.g. """.
  2. Protocol: Confirms that the part of the document URL up to the first ":" is a specific value.
        E.g. "http:".
  3. Server: The information from the beginning of the string out to the first "." in the URL.
        E.g. "customers" is the server name part.
  4. Fragment: The information showing in the command, which may be a fragment of the original"
        E.g. "".

DocumentURL Validation Commands

PROF ValidateDocumentURL wid "URL" "frame_path" Record
Records and validates the complete document URL. Error messages are issued if differences are detected between the recorded URL and the URL seen at playback.
PROF ValidateDocumentProtocol wid "protocol" "frame_path" Edit Validates the document protocol, that is, the information up to the ":" only. Other information beyond that point is ignored. Error messages are issued if differences are detected during playback.
PROF ValidateDocumentServer wid "URL" "frame_path" Edit Validates the the hostname and port of the current document. Error messages are issued if differences are detected during playback.
PROF ValidateDocumentPartialURL wid "URL" "frame_path" Edit Validates the information in the current URL only for the number of chararacters extant in the URL string as shown in the command. Other information in the URL string of the actual page beyond that point is ignored. Error messages are issued if differences are detected during playback.

Example Application
Here is a typical eValid command sequence that illustrates the process for validation of various URL properties:

  ...prior eValid script commands...
  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # (1) Validate the complete document URL...which will 
  # FAIL if there is not a complete match of the entire URL.

  	ValidateDocumentURL 0 "" ""
  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # (2) Validates the protocol of the document...

  	ValidateDocumentProtocol 0 "http" ""

  # This would be OK for "http://www..." but would FAIL for "https://www..."

  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # (3) Validates the server...if the actual URL is:
  # "" then the command

  	ValidateDocumentServer 0 "" ""

  # whereas the command:

  	ValidateDocumentServer 0 "" ""
  # Fails

  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # (4) Validates a fragment of the URL string, always from the start...

  	ValidateDocumentPartialURL 0 "http://customers.e-v" ""

  # In this example you would be OK with "http://customers.e-valid" but not with
  # "http://customers.e-view"...
  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ...subsequent eValid script commands...