Introduction. When browsing the Internet, on occasion a "Modal Dialog" box will pop up. A "Modal Dialog" box takes the focus from the Browser and does not hand it back until the user closes the Dialog, either by clicking an "OK" Button or by clicking on the "X" symbol in the top right-hand corner. Or, you can do this automatically by selecting one of the modal dialog automatic processing options available in your settings.
Please note that eValid is aware when a modal dialog is invoked and that in some cases, once a modal dialog is entered, ONLY modal dialog commands are processed until the modal dialog requirements are completed. An example is that a manual recording includes a Wait will very likely lock up because eValid at playback time, will ONLY process modal comments. In that case, edit the Wait NNNN to a ModalDialogWait NNNN command.
Some "Modal Dialogs" require the user to type in certain data, often a user name and password. To record user-interaction with a modal dialog in this type of interaction please follow these steps:
Command | Use |
ModalDialogEnter [wid] | Click check boxes, select radio buttons, click buttons (usually OK or Cancel). |
ModalDialogSpace [wid] | Click check boxes, select radio buttons, click buttons (usually OK or Cancel). |
ModalDialogTab [wid] 0|1 | Move focus to the next/previous element (0 indicates Shift key up, 1 indicates Shift key down). |
ModalDialogText [wid] ".." | Fill out text field, (e.g. password). |
ModalDialogWait msec | Wait a specified time.
(These commands are added automatically if in RealTime recording mode.) |
ModalDialogUp [[wid] [Repeat]]
ModalDialogDown [[wid] Repeat]] ModalDialogLeft [[wid] [Repeat]] ModalDialogRight [[wid] [Repeat]] |
Navigate through the Modal Dialog. (And repeat the specified number of times.) |
Explanation. To enter a command the user needs to select the menu item with the mouse or via the keyboard:
Alt-->'I'--> 'M'-->'E'|'s'|'B'|'T'|'W|'U'|'D'|'L'|'R'
Example: Alt-->'I'-->'E' will insert ModalDialogEnter
Alt-->'I'-->'S' will insert ModalDialogSpace
Alt-->'I'-->'B' will insert ModalDialogTab
Alt-->'I'-->'T' will insert ModalDialogText
Alt-->'I'-->'W' will insert ModalDialogWait
Alt-->'I'-->'U' will insert ModalDialogUp
Alt-->'I'-->'D' will insert ModalDialogDown
Alt-->'I'-->'L' will insert ModalDialogLeft
Alt-->'I'-->'R' will insert ModalDialogRight
Notes: These commands can ONLY be used on Modal Dialogs. Using use them on:
Restrictions and Limitations:
When a modal dialog has popped up during recording the user should ONLY type in ModalDialog commands until it has closed. All other commands will be meaningless (except Stop|StopAndExit) and may cause playback to fail.
Special Notes for ModalDialogText: Escape Characters in a Text String: eValid supports two 'escape' characters for use in ModalDialogText,
'\e' = END Key
'\b' = BackSpace Key
The purpose of these character sequences is to deal with the deletion of characters that appear in a text box by default. The 'Delete' key cannot be recorded so the user must use the END key (to move the cursor to the end of the text) followed by the required number of BackSpace characters to remove the text completely.
To remove the word "OLD" and replace it with "NEW" (in fact, the user can use any method to do this) the Text should read "\e\b\b\bNEW".
This assumes the cursor is at position 0, i.e. before the 'O' if it appears at the end of the word "OLD" the "\e" can be left out.
This will guarantee successful playback of text entry.
Special Notes for ModalDialogTTab: This command takes a single parameter, either 0 or 1. 0 (the default) indicates that the SHIFT key is NOT held down. 1 indicates that it is.
If "RealTime" is selected a ModalDialogWait will be inserted before each of the other selected ModalDialog commands.
If "RealTime" is NOT selected any chosen ModalDialogWait will contain the default value of 1000 (msecs). The user, of course, can edit this.