#Starting Playback: 15:24:47 Pacific Daylight Time, 04 June 2014 [JQuery03.evs] [V9 Build 322] # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Playing script, line 14: # 14: ScreenSize 1920 1080 2014/06/04 15:24:47 1 1 14 Project Group JQuery03 OK 3 3 - Current screen resolution meets or exceeds 1920 x 1080 2014/06/04 15:24:47 2 1 14 Project Group JQuery03 OK 4 1 4 Command completed: ScreenSize #-------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Playing script, line 15: # 15: FontSize 0 2014/06/04 15:24:49 3 2 15 Project Group JQuery03 OK 2419 2415 - Setting FontSize to SMALLEST 2014/06/04 15:24:49 4 2 15 Project Group JQuery03 OK 2423 4 2419 Command completed: FontSize #-------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Playing script, line 16: # 16: DeleteCache 2014/06/04 15:24:50 5 3 16 Project Group JQuery03 OK 2936 513 - Removing Internet Cache (excluding cookies) 2014/06/04 15:24:50 6 3 16 Project Group JQuery03 OK 3219 283 - Internet Cache (excluding cookies) removed 2014/06/04 15:24:50 7 3 16 Project Group JQuery03 OK 3228 9 805 Command completed: DeleteCache #-------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Playing script, line 17: # 17: DeleteCookies 2014/06/04 15:24:51 8 4 17 Project Group JQuery03 OK 3665 437 - Internet Cookies removed 2014/06/04 15:24:51 9 4 17 Project Group JQuery03 OK 3670 5 442 Command completed: DeleteCookies #-------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Playing script, line 18: # 18: InitLink "http://jquery.com/" 2014/06/04 15:24:53 10 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 5655 1985 - Starting at: http://jquery.com/ 2014/06/04 15:24:53 11 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 6465 810 - Redirected to: https://jquery.org/resources/members/intel.png 2014/06/04 15:24:53 12 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 6471 6 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/" [17409 bytes, 807 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:53 13 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 6504 33 - Redirected to: https://jquery.org/resources/members/ibm.png 2014/06/04 15:24:53 14 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 6511 7 - Redirected to: https://jquery.org/resources/members/maxcdn.png 2014/06/04 15:24:53 15 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 6518 7 - Redirected to: https://jquery.org/resources/members/wordpress.png 2014/06/04 15:24:54 16 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 7065 547 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/jquery-wp-content/themes/jquery.com/style.css" [3347 bytes, 605 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:54 17 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 7100 35 - Downloaded: "http://use.typekit.net/wde1aof.js" [29307 bytes, 637 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:54 18 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 7330 230 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/jquery-wp-content/themes/jquery/css/base.css?v=1" [88043 bytes, 869 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:54 19 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 7333 3 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/jquery-wp-content/themes/jquery/js/modernizr.custom.2.6.2.min.js" [5654 bytes, 873 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:54 20 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 7534 201 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/jquery-wp-content/themes/jquery/js/main.js" [9840 bytes, 1072 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:55 21 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 7643 109 - Downloaded: "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js" [92629 bytes, 1182 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:55 22 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 7702 59 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/jquery-wp-content/themes/jquery/js/plugins.js" [31248 bytes, 1240 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:55 23 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 7734 32 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/wp-includes/js/comment-reply.min.js?ver=3.8" [757 bytes, 1270 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:55 24 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 7842 108 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/jquery-wp-content/themes/jquery/content/books/learning-jquery-4th-ed.jpg" [7024 bytes, 1317 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:55 25 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 8007 165 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/jquery-wp-content/themes/jquery/content/books/jquery-succinctly.jpg" [3685 bytes, 1482 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:55 26 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 8412 405 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/jquery-wp-content/themes/jquery/content/books/jquery-in-action.jpg" [50042 bytes, 1887 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:56 27 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 8766 354 - Downloaded: "http://use.typekit.net/c/d4d852/klavika-web:i7:n7,source-code-pro:n4:n7.PYh:F:2,PYg:F:2,Y1M:F:2,Y1P:F:2/d?3bb2a6e53c9684ffdc9a98f2135b2a6250f2340d8ca0853b7df9676f5fa610fe069f9d29c9b5e67ae7b6312a16ff95d3a73356eed53502d6630d88cb0fe9789e0ac2d9a6c14ac282069f97be80efceecd4f5e0e58b889e8649ff22efc0c4063e9f9f87c7a8920dcab32add3496e6b09e6a94141aaaeb81a4bb1d4a09b8a14ac46d7d0dff3bf6532c044b0313c5ed1d7226c76cac5039645b4082ff59a8953c4e06ef9a344cf9265e8de3ed48ac2f34b281583cbaf6f2f580f7709eba9ea284dc14f4722ed0e264d7faa135466fbba043f093297f0efc92bfcb7b3eb8761407436be31d8029117f1a72aa7b8b6319c956c739e1c25b7a993a45" [102324 bytes, 1053 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:56 28 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 9284 518 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/jquery-wp-content/themes/jquery/css/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot?#iefix&v=3.0.2" [25395 bytes, 491 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:56 29 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 9426 142 - Downloaded: "http://engine.adzerk.net/ados.js?_=1401920695028" [21515 bytes, 585 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:56 30 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 9515 89 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/jquery-wp-content/themes/jquery/images/jq-nav-icons.png" [9804 bytes, 665 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:56 31 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 9562 47 - Downloaded: "http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js" [40155 bytes, 784 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:57 32 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 9675 113 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/jquery-wp-content/themes/jquery/images/logo-wordpress.png" [1353 bytes, 826 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:57 33 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 9682 7 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/jquery-wp-content/themes/jquery/images/logo-maxcdn.png" [461 bytes, 834 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:57 34 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 9687 5 - Downloaded: "http://engine.adzerk.net/ados?t=1401920696793&request={"Placements":[{"A":5449,"S":32018,"D":"broadcast","AT":1314}],"Keywords":"undefined","Referrer":"","IsAsync":true}" [2107 bytes, 256 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:57 35 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 9918 231 - Downloaded: "http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif?utmwv=5.5.1&utms=1&utmn=1733373335&utmhn=jquery.com&utmcs=utf-8&utmsr=1920x1080&utmvp=927x528&utmsc=24-bit&utmul=en-us&utmje=1&utmfl=13.0%20r0&utmdt=jQuery&utmhid=811783656&utmr=-&utmp=%2F&utmht=1401920696969&utmac=UA-1076265-1&utmcc=__utma%3D44433727.846714176.1401920697.1401920697.1401920697.1%3B%2B__utmz%3D44433727.1401920697.1.1.utmcsr%3D(direct)%7Cutmccn%3D(direct)%7Cutmcmd%3D(none)%3B&utmu=qh~" [35 bytes, 312 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:57 36 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 9942 24 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/jquery-wp-content/themes/jquery/images/logo-jquery.png" [7206 bytes, 1093 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:57 37 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 10014 72 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/jquery-wp-content/themes/jquery/images/jq-global-nav.png" [6738 bytes, 1165 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:57 38 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 10028 14 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/jquery-wp-content/themes/jquery/images/dark-grey-tile.png" [3738 bytes, 1179 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:57 39 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 10055 27 - Downloaded: "http://engine.adzerk.net/i.gif?e=eyJhdiI6MjIyMzYsImF0IjoxMzE0LCJjbSI6OTUyMjMsImNoIjo4MzY4LCJjciI6MjY2NTEyLCJkaSI6ImM5OTNjZjU1OGEyMjRiMWE4MDAyODBmMjFjMDQzMGVmIiwiZG0iOjEsImZjIjozMjk0OTQsImZsIjoxNzEwMzYsIm53Ijo1NDQ5LCJwYyI6MCwicHIiOjIxOTM3LCJydCI6MSwic3QiOjMyMDE4LCJ1ayI6InVlMS00ZjM5ODBiZjg0NGU0NTVkYTVlN2U3MzJjZGU3OWMxYyIsInRzIjoxNDAxOTIwNzUwNjAyfQ&s=VDiq-rKW5J3N0-asMsSXq7q8Vtg" [43 bytes, 241 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:57 40 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 10057 2 - Downloaded: "http://p.typekit.net/p.gif?s=1&k=wde1aof&ht=tk&h=jquery.com&f=17451.17454.7080.7079&a=610279&_=1401920696259" [35 bytes, 1162 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:57 41 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 10123 66 - Downloaded: "http://static.adzerk.net/Advertisers/bf5d09eeba474fbd894c527814a7c76c.png" [14192 bytes, 310 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:57 42 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 10129 6 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.org/resources/members/ibm.png" [3462 bytes, 3626 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:57 43 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 10159 30 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/jquery-wp-content/themes/jquery/images/bg-footer-noise.jpg" [6916 bytes, 1309 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:57 44 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 10161 2 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/jquery-wp-content/themes/jquery.com/i/try-jquery.jpg" [26147 bytes, 1311 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:57 45 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 10210 49 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.org/resources/members/intel.png" [4541 bytes, 3746 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:57 46 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 10212 2 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/jquery-wp-content/themes/jquery/images/logo-mediatemple.png" [486 bytes, 1362 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:57 47 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 10266 54 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/jquery-wp-content/themes/jquery/images/gauze.png" [6045 bytes, 1416 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:57 48 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 10271 5 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.org/resources/members/maxcdn.png" [7759 bytes, 3761 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:57 49 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 10354 83 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.org/resources/members/wordpress.png" [7390 bytes, 3836 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:57 50 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 10454 100 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/jquery-wp-content/themes/jquery/images/projectlogosfull-small.png" [22406 bytes, 1604 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:57 51 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 10579 125 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/jquery-wp-content/themes/jquery.com/i/download.png" [1506 bytes, 1728 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:58 52 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 10727 148 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/jquery-wp-content/themes/jquery/images/colorbox/controls.png" [2893 bytes, 1876 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:58 53 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 10743 16 - Downloaded: "http://jquery.com/jquery-wp-content/themes/jquery.com/i/feature-sprites.png" [23510 bytes, 1892 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:24:58 54 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 10756 13 - Document Complete: http://jquery.com/ 2014/06/04 15:24:58 55 5 18 Project Group JQuery03 OK 10788 32 7118 Command completed: InitLink [http://jquery.com/] [Downloaded: 687147 bytes, Rate: 96.537 bytes/msec ( 772.3 Kbs )] #-------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Playing script, line 19: # 19: Wait 4254 2014/06/04 15:25:03 56 6 19 Project Group JQuery03 OK 16398 5610 - Waiting [3000 ms] 2014/06/04 15:25:06 57 6 19 Project Group JQuery03 OK 19391 2993 8603 Command completed: Wait #-------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Playing script, line 21: # 21: GotoLink 0 "http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.3.2/" "" 2014/06/04 15:25:18 58 7 21 Project Group JQuery03 OK 30954 11563 - Going to: http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.3.2/ 2014/06/04 15:25:18 59 7 21 Project Group JQuery03 OK 31073 119 - Downloaded: "http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.3.2/" [26064 bytes, 111 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:25:18 60 7 21 Project Group JQuery03 OK 31226 153 - Downloaded: "http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:300,400,700" [527 bytes, 159 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:25:18 61 7 21 Project Group JQuery03 OK 31415 189 - Downloaded: "http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.3.2/css/themes/default/jquery.mobile-1.3.2.min.css" [94670 bytes, 349 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:25:18 62 7 21 Project Group JQuery03 OK 31425 10 - Downloaded: "http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.3.2/_assets/css/jqm-demos.css" [25009 bytes, 358 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:25:19 63 7 21 Project Group JQuery03 OK 31789 364 - Downloaded: "http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.3.2/_assets/js/index.js" [54637 bytes, 721 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:25:19 64 7 21 Project Group JQuery03 OK 32171 382 - Downloaded: "http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.3.2/js/jquery.js" [268380 bytes, 1103 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:25:19 65 7 21 Project Group JQuery03 OK 32392 221 - Downloaded: "http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.3.2/_assets/img/jquery-logo.png" [12351 bytes, 1323 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:25:19 66 7 21 Project Group JQuery03 OK 32626 234 - Downloaded: "http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.3.2/js/jquery.mobile-1.3.2.min.js" [145396 bytes, 1557 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:25:20 67 7 21 Project Group JQuery03 WARNING 32875 249 - Encountered script error, line: 29, char: 5, error: "Object doesn't support property or method 'forEach'", code: 0, URL: http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.3.2/_assets/js/index.js 2014/06/04 15:25:20 68 7 21 Project Group JQuery03 OK 33065 190 - Downloaded: "http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.3.2/css/themes/default/images/ajax-loader.gif" [7825 bytes, 180 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:25:20 69 7 21 Project Group JQuery03 OK 33099 34 - Downloaded: "http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.3.2/css/themes/default/images/icons-18-white.png" [1988 bytes, 182 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:25:20 70 7 21 Project Group JQuery03 OK 33157 58 - Downloaded: "http://themes.googleusercontent.com/static/fonts/opensans/v8/cJZKeOuBrn4kERxqtaUH3fY6323mHUZFJMgTvxaG2iE.eot" [18577 bytes, 482 msec(s), status code: 200]. 2014/06/04 15:25:20 71 7 21 Project Group JQuery03 OK 33177 20 - Document Complete: http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.3.2/ 2014/06/04 15:25:20 72 7 21 Project Group JQuery03 WARNING 33206 29 13815 Command completed: GotoLink [http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.3.2/] [Downloaded: 655424 bytes, Rate: 47.443 bytes/msec ( 379.5 Kbs )] #-------------------------------- 2014/06/04 15:26:07 73 7 21 Project Group JQuery03 END 80562 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Playback Summary Record # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Script Name = C:\Program Files (x86)\Software Research\eValid\Program\Project\Group\JQuery03.evs # ProjectID = Project # GroupID = Group # TestID = JQuery03 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Started at = 2014/06/04 15:24:47 # Ended at = 2014/06/04 15:26:07 # Run time = 80562 msec(s) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Commands Completed = 7 # Commands resulting in OK = 6 # Commands resulting in Not-OK = 1 # Playback Exit Code = 32 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Commands resulting in MESSAGE = 0 # Commands resulting in ALERT = 0 # Commands resulting in WARNING = 1 # Commands resulting in ALARM = 0 # Commands resulting in TIMEOUT = 0 # Commands resulting in ERROR = 0 # Commands resulting in FAIL = 0 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Number of URLs visited = 4 # Number of URL page elements = 50 # Total Bytes Downloaded = 1342571 byte(s) # Previously Cached Bytes = 2557635 byte(s) # Downloading Time (8% of total) = 6185 msec(s) # Waiting Time (4% of total) = 2993 msec(s) # System Time (89% of total) = 71384 msec(s) # TOTAL Time (100% of total) = 80562 msec(s) # Duty Cycle = 96% # Active KB/sec = 217.069 bytes/msec (1736.6 Kbs) # Overall KB/sec = 16.665 bytes/msec (133.3 Kbs) # Cache Status = Use Cache # Log Output = Detailed # ------------------------------------------------------------ #Playback stopped by user: 15:26:07 Pacific Daylight Time, 04 June 2014 [JQuery03.evs] [V9 Build 322]