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eValid -- Google Maps Motion Consistency Demonstration Script
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This page presents eValid's demonstration of confirmation of reliability of map motion operations on Google Maps.

The goal of this script is to show that eValid can reliably and consistently move the "map area" from a starting location to an end location.

Script Description

The developed script involves the following steps:

  1. Go to the starting page,

  2. Synchronize playback on the arrival of the complete page (sync Step 1 in script). The page is ready for a request.

  3. Type in a Search Maps request for "Moscone Convention Center San Francisco, CA". Click "Search Maps" to start the search.

  4. Synchronize on the arrival of the resulting page (sync Step 3 in script); This synchronization requires that the "B" balloon's readyState be complete at a particular page element.

  5. After the map has arrived, perform a series of map motion commands including at least two different translations.

  6. Synchronize on the final map content to validate that "Yerba Buena Island" appears.

Here is the final eValid script for this example.

# Recording by eValid V8 Build #265 
# Copyright © 2008 by Software Research, Inc. 
# Recording made on: Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 (IE 6.0.2800.1106)

ProjectID "Project"
GroupID "Findex"
TestID "example2-2"

ScreenSize 1280 1024

# This command, which originally was automatically generated at 
# the end of the script recording process was found to be needed 
# to be executed first to assure end-of-run synchronization.

WindowPos 0 -1 -1 1155 870

InitLink ""

# ORIGINAL  Wait 42531
# Step 1: ADDED Synchronize on completion of initial page...
# Two steps are used because the page actually changes dynamically...
SyncOnURL ""
SyncOnURL ""

# Step 2: Then Input the Search Maps address details...
InputValue 0 106 "TEXT" "q_d" "q" "Moscone Convention Center San Francis" \
	"co, CA" "" ""
Wait 150
SubmitClick 0 116 "q_sub" "btnG" "Search Maps" ""

# ORIGINAL  Wait 35051
# Step 3: ADDED Synchronize on the map's "B" balloon for completion...
SyncOnSelectedObjProperty 0 350 "id" "mtgt_B" "readyState" "complete" ""

# ORIGINAL  Wait 12107
# Step 4: ADDED Synchronize before taking PAN RIGHT traversals...
SyncOnURL ""
IndexSet 0
IndexFindElement 0 DOWN "title" "Pan right" ""
IndexElementMouseDown 0 ""
IndexElementClick 0 ""
Wait 2000
IndexSet 0
IndexFindElement 0 DOWN "title" "Pan right" ""
IndexElementMouseDown 0 ""
IndexElementClick 0 ""
Wait 2000
IndexSet 0
IndexFindElement 0 DOWN "title" "Pan right" ""
IndexElementMouseDown 0 ""
IndexElementClick 0 ""
Wait 2000

# ORIGINAL  Wait 18807
# Step 5: ADDED Synchronize before taking PAN UP traversals...
SyncOnURL ""
Wait 3000
IndexSet 0
IndexFindElement 0 DOWN "title" "Pan up" ""
IndexElementMouseDown 0 ""
IndexElementClick 0 ""
Wait 2000
IndexSet 0
IndexFindElement 0 DOWN "title" "Pan up" ""
IndexElementMouseDown 0 ""
IndexElementClick 0 ""
Wait 2000
IndexSet 0
IndexFindElement 0 DOWN "title" "Pan up" ""
IndexElementMouseDown 0 ""
IndexElementClick 0 ""
Wait 2000

# Step 6: ADDED Synchronization to validate that the "Yerba Buena Island map appears...
SyncOnURL ""
SyncOnElementProperty 0 "nameProp" "v=w2.97&hl=en&x=5245&s=&y=12661&z=15&s=Gali" ""
Wait 5000

# End of script.

Screen Shots

  1. This is the starting screen, after the size adjustment was made. See Step 1 in script.

  2. Step 2 in script.

  3. See Steps 3, 4, 5 in script.

  4. See Step 6 in script. The rectangle in this screenshot defines the map results area for which we want to validate, i.e. "Yerba Buena Island".