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eValid -- Testing Google Docs -- Document Option
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Example Description
This example illustrates how eValid can test the Google Docs application as it processes a regular document. The eValid script for this example is given below the screenshots, which explain the script step by step. The script was "recorded from life" except where noted.

  1. Startup
    The script navigates to the starting page for the application.

  2. Login
    The login credentials are provided and the login proceeds.

  3. Create New Document
    The script now creates a new document by using an IndexFindElement command to locate where "Create new" is located in this instance of the appplication. These manual commands are needed because this location changes from instance to instance of the application.

  4. Select Type Of View
    The script now selects the type of document to view, in this case the selection is for "Document". This step is done with another IndexFindElement command.

  5. Newly Opened Document
    Now there is a new opened document into which we can enter data.

  6. Text Entry
    Now, the script types in "hello" into the text body area. This is done with a KeyText command to enter the entire string, followed by an EnterKey command to close the entry sequence.

  7. Save and Close
    The script can now save the document and close the application.

  8. Signout
    The signout is complete, and the browser returns to the starting window.

Example Script

# eValid V9 Copyright (c) 2009 by Software Research, Inc. 
# Recording made on: Microsoft Windows Vista Service Pack 1
ProjectID "Project"
TestID "ss4"

ScreenSize 1440 900
FontSize 0

## This script logs in and creates a new document, then logs out.
InitLink ""
Wait 6723

# Screenshot #1...
InputValue 0 100 "TEXT" "Email" "Email" "evalid" "" ""
Wait 5561
InputValue 0 108 "TEXT" "Passwd" "Passwd" "«”󥔤éŒá¶…»" "" ""
Wait 109

# Screenshot #2...
SubmitClick 0 121 "" "signIn" "Sign in" "" NAV

IndexSet 0
IndexFindElement 0 DOWN "innerText" "Create new" ""
IndexMove +3
IndexElementMouseDown 0 ""
IndexElementClick 0 ""

# Screenshot #3...
Wait 4000
IndexSet 0
IndexFindElement 0 DOWN "innerText" "Document" ""
IndexMove +4
IndexElementMouseDown 0 ""
IndexElementMouseUp 0 ""

# Screenshot #4... 
##SubFrameSet 1 ""
Wait 2712
#InputValue 1 "wys_frame" "TEXT" "" "hello" "number:0"

# Screenshot #5...
KeyText 1 "hello"
EnterKey 1 11 "wys_frame" "number:0"
Wait 5773

# Screenshot #6...
WindowClose 1
Wait 8861

# Screenshot #7... 
FollowLink 0 59 "Sign out" "" ""

# Screenshot #8... 
# End of script.