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eValid -- Testing Google Docs -- Spreadsheet Option
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Example Description
This example illustrates how eValid can test the Google Docs application as it processes a spreadsheet. The eValid script for this example is given below the screenshots, which explain the script step by step. The script was "recorded from life" except where noted.

  1. Starting Up
    The script starts up by going to the Google Docs application.

  2. Logging In
    Next, the user provides the appropriate login credentials and click's "Sign in". Note that the script encrypts the user's password information.

  3. Creating A New Spreadsheet
    Once logged in the user clicks "Create New" to get a drop-down list, and then clicks on "Spreadsheet".

    Note: To do this step reliably we used an IndexFindElement command to identify the current location of the "Create new" element, which varies with each instance of the application.

  4. New Blank Spreadsheet Is Ready For Use
    Google Docs has created a new spreadsheet, ready for input. These commands are recorded from life.

  5. Entry Of Data Into Spreadsheet
    Information is added to several cells in the spreadsheet. To move down the spreadsheet with successive entries the script uses EnterKey (Return) commands.

  6. End of Data Entry: Save or Discard?
    The display is updated with the information entered. Information entry continues.

  7. Completion of Action: Sign Out and Return to Starting Screen
    The data is now entered into the spreadsheet. At this point the script signs out and returns to the starting window.

Example Script
# Recording by eValid V9 
# Copyright (c) 2009 by Software Research, Inc. 
# Recording made on: Microsoft Windows Vista Service Pack 1

ProjectID "Project"
TestID "ss3"

ScreenSize 1440 900
FontSize 0

## This script logs in, creates a new spreadsheet, then logs out.
InitLink ""
Wait 7581

# Screenshot #1...
InputValue 0 100 "TEXT" "Email" "Email" "evalid" "" ""
Wait 3970
InputValue 0 108 "TEXT" "Passwd" "Passwd" "«”󥔤éŒá¶…»" "" ""
Wait 156

# Screenshot #2...
SubmitClick 0 121 "" "signIn" "Sign in" "" NAV

IndexSet 0
IndexFindElement 0 DOWN "innerText" "Create new" ""
IndexMove +3
IndexElementMouseDown 0 ""
IndexElementClick 0 ""

# Screenshot #3...
Wait 4000

IndexFindElement 0 DOWN "innerText" "Spreadsheet" ""
IndexMove +4
IndexElementMouseDown 0 ""
IndexElementMouseUp 0 ""

SubFrameSet 1 ""
# # Insert-Recording started at:  <2009/11/06 13:49:59> 

# Screenshot #4...
Wait 5966
InputValue 1 258 "TEXTAREA" "" "" "napkins" "" ""
EnterKey 1 258 "" ""
Wait 4554
InputValue 1 258 "TEXTAREA" "" "" "spoons" "" ""
EnterKey 1 258 "" ""
Wait 4508

# Screenshot #5...
InputValue 1 258 "TEXTAREA" "" "" "forks" "" ""
EnterKey 1 258 "" ""
Wait 4103
InputValue 1 258 "TEXTAREA" "" "" "cups" "" ""
EnterKey 1 258 "" ""
Wait 3660
InputValue 1 258 "TEXTAREA" "" "" "\r\n" "" ""
Wait 312

# Screenshot #6...
FollowLink 1 52 "Sign out" "" ""
# # Insert-Recording stopped at:  <2009/11/06 13:51:58>   

# Screenshot #7...
Wait 5826
WindowClose 1
FollowLink 0 59 "Sign out" "" ""

# Recording stopped at:  <2009/11/06 12:41:01>