Your e-Business Quality Partner eValid™ -- Automated Web Quality Solution
Browser-Based, Client-Side, Functional Testing & Validation,
Load & Performance Tuning, Page Timing, Website Analysis,
and Rich Internet Application Monitoring.

eValid -- CyberSecurity Resource Summary
eValid Home

Summary and Perspective
This page summarizes available capabilities and resources in the eValid suite that support the cybersecurity/cyberthreat area, and outlines how they can be applied to identify threats and vulnerabilities. These fall into several broad classes of analysis areas (detailed below).

The perspective here is that eValid is a test and analysis engine that: (i) establishes the state of the browser; and, (ii) delivers data about the current page (including exporting the current-page complete HTML if needed). In this sense, eValid is a framework in which security/vulnerability testing is performed, applying externally supplied search patterns and profiles.

Analysis Areas
Here is a short summary of eValid's capabilities and how they can be used in studying cybersecurity issues.

Detailed Description
Complete information about eValid functions and operation is contained in the User Manual, which is available online from the eValid product interface. The material that follows outlines the capabilities various parts of the eValid Suite.