eValid -- The Web Quality Suite
Browser-Based Client-Side Functional Testing and Validation
Page Timing/Tuning Transaction Monitoring.
WebSite Spidering & Analysis and Realistic Server Loading.
eValid -- SQL Feature -- General Description
eValid Home
The SQL feature enables eValid to interface directly with a MySQL database.
When the MySQL is present in an eValid installation,
on on any database accessible via ODBC connection.
When the SQL feature is active, eValid can:
- Update a MySQL database with the results of any Functional Test run.
This includes any of the eValid log file formats and also includes text file
outputs that reflect intra-event timings.
- Update a MySQL database with the results of any LoadTest test run.
This can include the standard abbreviated LoadTest log file,
any specific eValid log file instance, or text file results collected during the
LoadTest process.
- Update a MySQL database with the outputs of any site-analysis run.
This can include the complete data table with full details about every page
visited and the complete page-to-page "map table" that details the page hierarchy.
Technical Details
The SQL feature provides direct access to SQL (MySQL) database systems
- User Options
There are user-selectable options to identify the "datasource"
(a generalized reference to the actual database that is being used),
whether to automatically process just-created logs and other files
into the database, and other details of how the data is to be input.
- Run Identifier (RunID)
The run identifier is a unique tag that labels a collection of data
that pertains to a functional test run, a load test run, or a site analysis run.
- Information Intake
The information that can be inserted into an attached SQL (MySQL) database
depends on the type of run made, and on the type of commands eValid is given.
Update of the database is done at the end of each eValid run.
- Location of Database
The database that is updated can be on the local machine or it can
be on another machine, so long as it is reachable on the LAN/WAN.
- Functional Test Data
Typical functional test output may consist of an EventLog,
the summary data (at the end of any eValid log file),
and possibly auxiliary data collected via SaveRecord commands.
- Load Test Data
Typical Load Test data will involve the LoadTestLog file,
any specifically commanded regular functional test log files,
and possibly auxiliary data collected via SaveRecord commands.
- Site Analysis Data
The site analysis run data is organized into a complete data
table that gives details about every page analyzed, and
the map data table, which identifies dependences within and among
the analyzed pages.
The information in the map data table is used to create the 3D-SiteMap display.
- ODBC Interface
The ODBC interface connection makes it possible for eValid instances
on many machines to update a common database located on a different machine.