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eValid -- EventLog MySQL Record Format Details
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Each test playback produces an EventLog file, and possibly one of several subsets of it. The information in this file is described in the Logfile Formats & Content Description. The evalid SQL feature places this same information into an event record which is organized very closely to match the EventLog format.

EventLog Content and MySQL Standard Names
The table below itemizes the contents of the standard evalid EventLog and shows the corresponding stanard MySQL names for each entity.

EventLog Content Description MySQL Record Structure and Type Definitions
Description # MySQL Variable NameMySQL Variable Type
    1 runid INT NOT NULL
Date Current date 2 eventdate DATE
Time Current time 3 eventtime TIME
Seq.# Record sequence number since start of test 4 sequenceSMALLINT
Cmd.# Command count since start of test 5 command INT
Script Line# Line number in script file 6 scriptINT
Project Project identifier      
Group Group identifier      
Test Test ID      
Status Status of command execution, e.g. OK 7 status VARCHAR (32)
Accum. Time Elapsed time 8 elapsedtime INT
Fine Time Fine time 9 finetime INT
Total Cmd.TimeCommand time 10 commandtimeINT
Messages & Download Ratios Region in logfile where eValid writes responses that depend on the command excuted. 11E1VARCHAR (255)
12E2VARCHAR (255)
42E32VARCHAR (255)


  1. The Project, Group and Test fields are found in the Playback Summary Record.
  2. The MySQL variables E1...E32 are the non-blank strings that appear in the comment (Messages & Download Ratios) section of an eValid Logfile to the right of the Total Command Time column. Only the first 32 such fields are included even if there are more fields in the actual Logfile.