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eValid -- MySQL Feature -- Establish DataSource Instructions
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Here are step-by-step instructions for installing
and setting up the latest MySQL Connector/ODBC for Window XP.
Download the MySQL Connector/ODBC software from
the MySQL.com website.
Download and save the file on your computer.
To install the software, double-click on the file.
Please follow the steps to install it.
Choose the "Typical" type of installation.
Authorize the installation.
Click "Finish" when the process is complete.
After installing the Connector/ODBC, please go to "Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools".
Then double-click on "Data Sources (ODBC)"
Click on the "Add" button to add the MySQL ODBC.
Click on the "Finish" button to select the driver to set up the data source in the "Create New Data Source" window.
Fill out the appropriate "Connection Parameters".
These entries need to be valid within your (local/remote) environments. For example: (Server: localhost, User: root, & Database: evalid) would be variants that we at SR decided to use.
Note: You may want to click on the "Test" button to confirm that your selections are valid.
Now the data source name "EVALID_REPOSITORY" shows in the window.
Also, the MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver displays in the window when you select the "Drivers" tab.
Also, the MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver displays in the window when you select the "Connection Pooling" tab.
You should now be able to access the "MySQL" database. i.e. "evalid" or your specified database name. Assuming that you have already performed the "Create MySQL Record Command" sequences.