MySQL Create Record Command
Here is the sequence of MySQL commands
needed to create the MySQL database
in the required format.
In this example the database being created is called "evalid", for example. This is the "Database:" assigned name that will be used when connecting your eValid instance to the datasource.
mysql> create database evalid; mysql> use evalid; mysql> CREATE TABLE summary ( runid INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, scriptname VARCHAR(255), projectid VARCHAR(32), groupid VARCHAR(32), testid VARCHAR(32), starttime DATETIME, endtime DATETIME, runtime BIGINT, numbercommands INT, okcommands INT, notokcommands INT, exitcode SMALLINT, messages INT, alerts INT, warnings INT, alarms INT, timeouts INT, errors INT, fails INT, urls INT, elements INT, bytesdownload BIGINT, bytescached BIGINT, downloadtime BIGINT, waittime BIGINT, systemtime BIGINT, totaltime BIGINT, dutycycle FLOAT, cachestatus VARCHAR(32) ); mysql> CREATE TABLE event ( runid INT NOT NULL, eventdate DATE, eventtime TIME, sequence SMALLINT, command INT, script INT, status VARCHAR(32), elapsedtime INT, finetime INT, commandtime INT, E1 VARCHAR(255), E2 VARCHAR(255), E3 VARCHAR(255), E4 VARCHAR(255), E5 VARCHAR(255), E6 VARCHAR(255), E7 VARCHAR(255), E8 VARCHAR(255), E9 VARCHAR(255), E10 VARCHAR(255), E11 VARCHAR(255), E12 VARCHAR(255), E13 VARCHAR(255), E14 VARCHAR(255), E15 VARCHAR(255), E16 VARCHAR(255), E17 VARCHAR(255), E18 VARCHAR(255), E19 VARCHAR(255), E20 VARCHAR(255), E21 VARCHAR(255), E22 VARCHAR(255), E23 VARCHAR(255), E24 VARCHAR(255), E25 VARCHAR(255), E26 VARCHAR(255), E27 VARCHAR(255), E28 VARCHAR(255), E29 VARCHAR(255), E30 VARCHAR(255), E31 VARCHAR(255), E32 VARCHAR(255) ); mysql> CREATE INDEX event_index on event(runid); mysql> select * from summary; mysql> select * from event;