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eValid -- SQL Feature -- Command Line Operation
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User Preparation and Setup
Here are the basic steps for operation of eValid that includes automatic update of a MySQL database.

  1. MySQL Installed
    Your machine (where eValid is installed) must have an ODBC setup for MySQL activity. This setup allows eValid to update the MySQL database with information from the current test playback.

    Please see the MySQL Installation Instructions for Windows XP. Installation for other Windows operating system options will be similar.

  2. Database Created
    Prior to any entry of data, the datasource must have been created so that the formats of the records are known to the database.

    The Create MySQL Record Command (SQL) sequence illustrates what must be done to create a new database that has the correct record structure in the correct format.

  3. DataSource Defined
    Make sure you have a datasource specified and accessible from the machine where eValid is running. The database accessed could be on the local machine or it could be located on a remote machine.

    Please see the Establish DataSource Instructions for details on how to do this.

  4. Specify DataSource
    The database specified in the command line -DATASOURCE option (see below) must be an available resource.

SQL Feature Operation
The SQL feature operates in batch mode, where the name of the particular EventLog to process is given to eValid to be broken down and inserted (as per the above record formats).

eValid -B <script file>

-DATASOURCE  <DataSource Name -- the destination of the data, 

-DATAEVENT   <File Name -- name of the generated file, 
		which is in standard eValid LogFile format, 
		to process send to the database>

-(other switches as appropriate) 

If the -DATAEVENT switch is not specified then eValid assumes use of the current EventLog, -E.log that corresponds to the specified script file name.

Database Field Definitions
The fields in each type of record have standard names.

Additional Notes

  1. In the case where use of the eValid/I International Edition (DBCS, Unicode) operation will be normal, there will be differences in your data input. If you use a DBCS version of MySQL, you must take care in making certain that your treatment of regular character strings are in accords to your generated output data.

    For example, using scripts that are created with eValid/I will introduce extra "white space". You will see "a b c . e v s" where you expect to see "abc.evs", (Non-Unicode). Caution is advised.