This table is intended to help you create reliable tests with eValid.
Remember to consider use of the
PageMap to assist in identifying details inside the current page.
The Kind of Object on the Screen... | The Action You Plan To Take... | How To Put eValid in the Right Mode... | The Action To Be Recorded... | What You Should See in the Script Window... |
Any Web Page | Where you want to start your test. | Natural Mode | Press RECORD and confirm the name of the script file. | InitLink |
HTML Page | NAV Link | Natural Mode | Click mouse. | GotoLink GotoLinkSubmit FollowLink GoBackTo GoForwardTo Redirect Reload |
Push Button (or) Image Icon | Natural Mode | No explicit recording; data saved in browser. | ButtonClick InputImageClick GetURL PostURL | |
Radio Button | Natural Mode | No explicit recording; data saved in browser. | InputValue "RADIO" | |
Check Box | Natural Mode | No explicit recording; data saved in browser. | InputValue "CHECKBOX" | |
Text Field | Natural Mode | No explicit recording; data saved in browser. | InputValue "TEXT" | |
SUBMIT | Natural Mode | Emits all name/value fields. | SubmitClick ResetClick | |
List Box | Natural Mode | Select from list. | InputValue "SELECT-ONE" | |
Drop Down List Box | Natural Mode | Select from drop down list. | InputValue "SELECT-ONE" | |
MouseOver | Settings: Element MouseOvers (Alt+F11) Toggle Events ON/OFF | Select/Hover over drop down list. | ElementMouseOver ElementMouseOut | |
Modal Popups | Natural Mode | Click on action choice. | (Depends on the JavaScript Event...) | |
Focus | Natural Mode | To obtain focus of a desired playback window before action. | Focus Lock Unlock | |
Comparators | Natural Mode | Menu and Manual comparing options. | Match MatchNotString CompareImages CompareStrings | |
Note/Message | Natural Mode | Entering meaningful notes/messages into the script. | Note "string" MessageBox MessageWindow SaveRecord SaveMessage SaveHTML SaveFullHTML SendFile | |
Timer | Natural Mode | Prompt to record timing data. | ResetTimer ElapsedTime TimeStamp PauseTimer ResumeTimer IdleTimer OverTimeAlarm | |
Secure Session IDs | Natural Mode | Dealing with HTTPS changing IDs. | SecureDataID EnterSecureZone ExitSecureZone AuthenticateUser | |
Environment Variable | Natural Mode | Establishing constant playback Environment values. | EnvironmentVariableFile | |
Data $NAME/$VALUE Pair | Natural Mode | Parameterization and Data Substitutions. | DataSynthesisFile | |
Modal Dialog Box | Enter | In Script Window Insert > ModalDialog Commands ... | Auto-entered in script. | ModalDialogEnter |
| Auto-entered in script. | ModalDialogTab | ||
Text | Typed in text entered in script. | ModalDialogText | ||
Wait | Typed in delay entered in script. | ModalDialogWait | ||
Up [Arrow] | Auto-entered in script. | ModalDialogUp | ||
Down [Arrow] | Auto-entered in script. | ModalDialogDown | ||
Left [Arrow] | Auto-entered in script. | ModalDialogLeft | ||
Right [Arrow] | Auto-entered in script. | ModalDialogRight | ||
Suppress | Automatic Registry Settings or PlayValue in script. | ModalDialogSuppress PlayValue _PS 0/1 |
Java Applet | Click | Settings: Applet Recording MouseClick Events ON | Click mouse. | clLClick xyLClick (AbsLeftClick) clRClick xyRClick (AbsRightClick) |
Text | Settings: Applet Recording Text Field Entry ON | Type in. | KeyText (AbsTextEntry) KeySys (AbsSysKey | |
Drag | Settings: Applet Recording MouseDrag Events ON | Drag mouse. | clLDrag xyLDrag (AbsMouseDrag) | |
MouseOver | Settings: Applet Recording MouseOver Events ON | Mouse over. | clMouseOver xyMouseOver (AbsMouseOver) | |
Microsoft Virtual Machine (OLDER method) | Settings: Applet Recording MouseOver Events ON | Recognized Actions. | AppletMouseClick AppletMouseDown AppletMouseDrag AppletMouseOver AppletNavigate AppletTabStop AppletTextEntry | |
JavaScript | Click | Natural Mode | Click with navigation. | FollowLink FollowLink NAV |
Natural Mode | Click without waiting for navigation completion signal. | FollowLink NO_NAV | ||
Settings: Absolute MouseClicks (F11) Toggle Events ON/OFF | Click with/without navigation. | clLClick | ||
Settings: Application Mode + Absolute MouseClicks (F12 + F11) Toggle Events ON/OFF | Click with/without navigation. | xyLClick | ||
Drop Down List Box | Natural Mode | Click to drop down list box. | ElementMouseDown ElementFocus ElementBlur ElementMouseUp ElementClick ElementDblClick |
Settings: Element MouseOvers Mode (Alt+F11) | Click to drop down list box and hover. | ElementMouseOver ElementMouseOut | ||
Text | Natural Mode | Click to drop down list box. | InputValue "TEXT" | |
Settings: Application Mode (F12) | Type in the text input keys/characters. | KeySys KeyText |
Open Window | Natural Mode | Click Open/Spawns a sub-window. | SubFrameSet #N | |
Close Button | Natural Mode | Close the sub-window #N. | WindowClose #N | |
Flash Object | All Opaque Objects Click | Settings: Absolute MouseClicks (F11) | Click on the intended opaque object/Non HTML. | clLClick xyLClick |
Images | Capture ScreenShots (bitmap) | Natural Mode | Processing Images Relative to the Browser Area. | SaveScreenRect SaveSelectedObjProperties SaveSelectedImage SaveWindow SaveWindowFace |
Settings: Absolute MouseClicks (F11) | Processing Images Relative to the Browser Area. | clSaveScreenRect clSyncRect | ||
Settings: Application Mode + Absolute MouseClicks (F12+F11) | Processing Images Relative to the Desktop Area. | xySyncRect | ||
Sub-Window Record in Application Mode | Application Startup | Natural Mode Settings: Application Mode (F12) | Specify window startup/placement preferences. | Maximize Minimize System SystemCallWait SubWindowCloseAll NewWindow |
Move | Settings: Application Mode (F12) | Move the sub-window. | WindowPos Reposition | |
Resize | Settings: Application Mode (F12) | Resize the sub-window. | Resize ScreenSize Restore | |
Another Window on Desktop | Parent/Child/Child Spawn | Natural Mode | Select window by name of window from supplied list of active windows. | SubFrameSet #N |
Settings: Application Mode (F12) | Select window by name of window from supplied list of active windows. | DWindowSet #N EWindowSet |