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eValid -- SaveRecord Command
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This command is intended for use in situations where eValid is monitoring a complex transaction and where the need is to have a simplified record of timing data.

Command Description

Monitoring SaveRecord Command
PROF SaveRecord File "Formatted String" [OVERWRITE] Edit Writes information to the named file based on the contents of the "Formatted String".

If the optional tag OVERWRITE is present, the named file is deleted (if it exists) and THIS is the first record in the new file.

Meaning of Special Parameters in Formatted String
  • %e is replaced by the elapsed cumulative time since the last instance of a SaveRecord command. Resets across CallScript boundaries.
  • %E is replaced by the elapsed cumulative time of the current playback. Resets across CallScript boundaries.

  • %f is replaced by the elapsed total time since the last ResetTimer command. Does not reset across CallScript boundaries.
  • %F is replaced by the elapsed total time of the current playback session. Does not reset across CallScript boundaries.

  • %k is replaced by the total number of bytes downloaded as a result of the last command completed that caused a download. Does not reset across CallScript boundaries.
  • %K is replaced by the total number of bytes downloaded so far in the current playback. Does not reset across CallScript boundaries.

  • \t is replaced by a tab character.
  • \n is replaced by a newline character.

  • In addition, all of the C runtime function strftime's formatting codes (see complete list below) are processed in the normal way, including for example:
    • %T is replaced by the current date/time in the format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS.
    • %I is replaced by the current time in 12-hour format.
    • %Z is replaced by the current time zone abbreviation code (e.g. PDT).

Example Standard File
Here is how a typical SaveRecord file would appear when a test is run with multiple instances of SaveRecord commands.

Contents of Script File

	SaveRecord "c:\\file.log" "%T\tLogin\t%E\t%e\tStartup of shopping activity." OVERWRITE
	SaveRecord "c:\\file.log" "%T\tShopping\t%E\t%e\tGo ahead and shop."
	SaveRecord "c:\\file.log" "%T\tPick\t%E\t%e\tPick an item for the cart."
	SaveRecord "c:\\file.log" "%T\tCheckout\t%E\t%e\tCheckout process has concluded."
Contents of "File" produced during playback...
	2017/10/26 13:25:34       Login         241    0        Startup of shopping activity.
	2017/10/26 13:26:45       Shopping      2436   1800     Go ahead and shop.
	2017/10/26 13:27:56       Pick          3150   1222     Pick an item for the cart.
	2017/10/26 13:32:39       Checkout      8192   2200     Checkout process has concluded.


  1. The sample output above could also be done with TimeStamp commands.
  2. The order and presentation of data in the named file is under user control.
  3. Conversions of %E, %e, %B, and %b have precedence over the corresponding standard strftime codes.

Example XML-Style Format
Here is how you would use SaveRecord to create an XML-style output:

SaveRecord "c:\file.xml" "<RECORD tag='Login' time1='%E' time2='%e' timestamp='%T'/>"

Complete List of Available Time Variables
Here is the complete list of available symbols:

Additional Notes
If a submitted string cannot be processed then for reasons of safety the resulting line in the output file is blank. If you see blank lines where you believer there should be content please check the command carefully to make sure there are no conflicts or errors.

The % character is a "reserved character" inside the "Formatted String" section of the command. Only the specified symbols may follow a % in that string, except that to express a % in the output you can include %% on the input. Use of any other characters than those supported will cause the output line to contain an error message.

Normally a SaveRecord command writes to a file in a very reliable manner, but in case you are running a large number of eValid instances there is a slight chance that simultaneous execution of a SaveRecord command by two (or more) eValid instances will cause some data to be lost.