Your e-Business Quality Partner eValid™ -- The Web Quality Suite
Browser-Based Client-Side Functional Testing and Validation Page Timing/Tuning Transaction Monitoring. WebSite Spidering & Analysis and Realistic Server Loading.

eValid -- Example Monitoring Script
eValid Home

The script below performs these basic timing and validation steps:

  1. Visits the eValid home page and confirms it has loaded. Success means operation is confirmed.
  2. Launches the eValid BLOG, confirms it has loaded, then closes it. Success means operation is confirmed.
  3. Opens the eValid User Forum, confirms it has loaded, then closes it. Success means operation is confirmed.
  4. Navigates to the eValid product download page, confirms it has loaded, then closes it. Success means operation is confirmed.

Each navigation is followed by a DOM-based SyncOnText command to make sure that the required page is fully present before continuing. There are fixed length waits in the script to keep it from going "too fast", and these fixed times ought to be subtracted from the measured times.

Intra-Script Timing
The script times each of the above four steps and outputs the step time and the total time to a local file. It also uses the built-in timer to put the same data in the EventLog and PerformanceLog. The reporting engine that is analyzing eValid output thus has access to this data in several formats.

Monitoring Interval
Monitoring interval is set to once per 15 minues (for demonstration purposes).

Alarm Processing
Overtime and limit alarms are not implemented in this demonstration script.

Auxiliary Output
For separate processing this script has a sequence of SaveRecord commands that output the individual times within the playback. A sample of this output is shown below (for illustration purposes).

eValid Script

# (c) Copyright 2012 by Software Research, Inc.
# This script is to be used to demonstrate eValid operations in 
# monitoring environments.

ProjectID "gw_app"
GroupID "scripts2011"
TestID "mondemo"

ScreenSize 1152 864
FontSize 0

ElapsedTime "00_Begin_Play"
SaveRecord MonDemoOut.txt "\nStep 00: Beginning Playback.         Step Time: %e.  Total Time: %E "

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get started...

InitLink ""
Wait 1000
ValidateSelectedText 0 21 11 "Web Testing & Analysis Suite" "name" \
SyncOnText 0 "Web Testing & Analysis Suite" "name:r-window"
Wait 1000

ElapsedTime "01_Home_Page" 
SaveRecord MonDemoOut.txt "Step 01: Startup Complete.           Step Time: %e.     Total Time: %E "

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Open up the BLOG...and sync...

FollowLink 0 69 "BLOG" "" "n" \
	"ame:r-window" NO_NAV
SubFrameSet 1 "HTML Redirect"
Wait 1000
SyncOnText 1 "Automated Web Quality Solution" ""
Wait 1000
WindowClose 1
Wait 1000

ElapsedTime "02_BLOG_Check"
SaveRecord MonDemoOut.txt "Step 02: BLOG Check Complete.        Step Time: %e.  Total Time: %E "

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Open up the User Forum...and sync...
Wait 1000
FollowLink 0 88 "USER FORUM" "" \
	"tml" "name:r-window" NO_NAV
SubFrameSet 2 "HTML Redirect"
Wait 1000
SyncOnText 2 "View unanswered pos" ""
Wait 1000
WindowClose 2
Wait 1000

ElapsedTime "03_USER_FORUM"
SaveRecord MonDemoOut.txt "Step 03: USER FORUM Check Complete.  Step Time: %e.  Total Time: %E "

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
FollowLink 0 28 "Home" "" "name:top" NO_NAV

Wait 1000
FollowLink 0 14 "DOWNLOAD " "" \
	"s=FORM" "name:left"
Wait 1000
SyncOnText 0 "eValid V9 Download" "name:r-window"
Wait 1000
FollowLink 0 28 "Home" "" "name:top" NO_NAV

ElapsedTime "04_V9_Download"
SaveRecord MonDemoOut.txt "Step 04: Download Check Complete.    Step Time: %e.  Total Time: %E "
# End of script.

eValid Monitoring Output File

Step 00: Beginning Playback.         Step Time: 0.     Total Time: 250 
Step 01: Startup Complete.           Step Time: 5625.  Total Time: 5875 
Step 02: BLOG Check Complete.        Step Time: 5140.  Total Time: 11015 
Step 03: USER FORUM Check Complete.  Step Time: 5797.  Total Time: 16812 
Step 04: Download Check Complete.    Step Time: 4703.  Total Time: 21515 

Step 00: Beginning Playback.         Step Time: 0.     Total Time: 250 
Step 01: Startup Complete.           Step Time: 5593.  Total Time: 5843 
Step 02: BLOG Check Complete.        Step Time: 4313.  Total Time: 10156 
Step 03: USER FORUM Check Complete.  Step Time: 5312.  Total Time: 15468 
Step 04: Download Check Complete.    Step Time: 4625.  Total Time: 20093 

Step 00: Beginning Playback.         Step Time: 0.     Total Time: 235 
Step 01: Startup Complete.           Step Time: 5500.  Total Time: 5735 
Step 02: BLOG Check Complete.        Step Time: 4390.  Total Time: 10125 
Step 03: USER FORUM Check Complete.  Step Time: 5579.  Total Time: 15704 
Step 04: Download Check Complete.    Step Time: 4656.  Total Time: 20360