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eValid -- Further Comparative Analysis of Performance Under Load
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The charts below show the response time in the database dependent part of a script playback as a function of the total number of BUs running at one time. This data was collected as part of the Mobile Agent Loading Experiment, in which a simple test was done of a mobile agent to assess response time as a function of load.

First Chart
The upper chart was generated three weeks before the lower chart. During that period the website owner made a number of changes to improve performance.

Second Chart
The lower chart shows the same test script, running for approximately the same duration, on the same application, a few weeks after the first test. To a first approximation it appears that the capacity of the application has increased by approximately 50%.

Third Chart
The third chart was generated four months after the second chart. By this time the actual website had been migrated to a "production" site. It appears performance has degraded somewhat in the initial levels of load, but seems to be more consistent at higher loading levels.

Chart 1: Initial Performance Data

Chart 2: Performance Three Weeks Later

Chart 3: Performance Four Months Later