Open Device No. 1 in New Window With Scrolling |
Open Device No. 2 in New Window With Scrolling |
Open Device No. 1 in New Window |
Open Device No. 2 in New Window |
This script shows how to launch two sub-windows each of which
behaves as a [different] mobile device.
This technique allows side-by-side comparison of the content
delivered by a server.
Interesting Links
Here are some links you can launch in the simulated non-desktop devices
if you wish.
(The links are live, but it you launch them other than from the eValid test
playback the sub-windows will all have the same UserAgent as the parent page.)
UserAgent | Disney | Bing | Yahoo! | Ask | Dogpile | |
eBay | Yelp | CNN | SF Gate | NY Times | Wired | SDTimes |
Script Description
The playback script has base page that launches:
(1) subwindow 1 as device1;
(2) subwindow 2 as device2;
and, (3) then executes a Breakpoint to pause the playback.
# Copyright (c) 2011 by Software Research, Inc. # Recording made on: Microsoft Windows Vista ProjectID "Mobile" GroupID "Examples" TestID "Phones" LogID "AUTO" DeleteCache DeleteCookies # Pick up the environment variables for this run... EnvironmentVariableFile "select.txt" # Start here as IE... InitLink "http://www.e-Valid.com/Products/" \ "Documentation.9/Mobile/Validation/side-by-side.html" Wait 1000 # Set up $Device1 in subwindow 1... SetUserAgent "$UAS1" Wait 1000 FollowLink 0 47 "Device No. 1" "http://www.e-Valid.com/Products" \ "/Documentation.9/Mobile/Validation/side-by-side.html" "" SubFrameSet 1 "eValid -- Side-By-Side Comparison Of Two Devices" Wait 1000 # Set up $Device2 in subwindow 1... SetUserAgent "$UAS2" Wait 1000 FollowLink 0 52 "Device No. 2" "http://www.e-Valid.com/Products/" \ "Documentation.9/Mobile/Validation/side-by-side.html" "" SubFrameSet 2 "eValid -- Side-By-Side Comparison Of Two Devices" # GotoLink 2 "http://www.disney.com" "" # SaveWindowFace 2 "$Device2" Breakpoint "DEVICE #2 view" SubWindowCloseAll # End of script. |
After this script executes the Breakpoint command you will have the original active window and two active sub-windows all showing this page viewed from device1 and device2. You can click away as much as you want to see the original page, and on the non-desktop windows, to see the different responses by the server.
Environment Variables
The values of the user agent string and other parameters in this script
are stored in the environment variable file.
Here are the script parameters for a Samsung I9100 Galaxy SII and an iPhone.
(Lines are broken for clarity).
$Device1=SamsungGalaxySII $UAS1=Mozilla/5.0%20(Linux; %20U;%20Android%202.3.3;%20es-us; %20GT-I9100%20Build/GINGERBREAD)%20AppleWebKit/533.1%20 (KHTML,%20like%20Gecko)%20Version/4.0%20Mobile%20Safari/533.1 $Display1=480x800 $Device2=iPhone $UAS2=Mozilla/5.0%20(iPhone; %20U;%20CPU%20iOS%202_0%20like%20Mac%20OS%20X; %20en-us)%20AppleWebKit/525.18.1%20(KHTML,%20like%20Gecko) %20Version/3.1.1%20Mobile/1A543%20Safari/525.20 $Display2=480x320 |
$Device1=SamsungGalaxyTab10.1 $UAS1=SAMSUNG-GT-S3310/1.0%20SHP/VPP/R5 %20NetFront/3.4%20SMM-MMS/1.2.0%20Profile/MIDP-2.0 %20Configuration/CLDC-1.1 $Display1=1280x720 $Device2=iPad2 $UAS2=Mozilla/5.0%20(iPad; %20U;%20CPU%20OS%204_3%20like%20Mac%20OS%20X; %20en-us)%20AppleWebKit/533.17.9%20(KHTML,%20like%20Gecko) %20Version/5.0.2%20Mobile/8F191%20Safari/6533.18.5 $Display2=1024x768 |