This page describes some common problems encountered
with eValid when applied to Rich Internet Application Monitoring.
The below-described situations are taken from our actual experience
with unattended monitoring and/or with customers experience with eValid in the
same mode.
eValid will wait forever for action to dismiss a modal dialog. What you'll see appears to be a hangup, but if you move the eValid browser aside you'll see the modal that is awaiting action.
eValid MAY be in a deadly embrace...from which it may be impossible to escape. If the -RT switch in the batch command line doesn't do it, you have to use the kill mechanism in the Scheduler. If all else fails you can use "pskill" to remove all eValid copies.
Non-deterministic behavior cannot be monitored. However, if you can change the script to refer to named frames this problem is unlikely.
Disable the screensaver feature, or disable the requirement that you log in to regain screen focus.
Add Wait 100's after a Focus command to allow the operating system to catch up.
Close non-IE child windows manually prior to playback.
Add Lock/Unlock to every script that needs to share the one available desktop resource.
Make sure each test has a known and reproducible starting state.
Also, when you are doing synchronization polling the Retry interval affects performance (so make the interval as long as you can), and in the case of screen images synchronization there often is a small performance penalty as eValid scrapes the screen and generates a checksum.
Be aware of the interaction of all of the time limits, ceilings, and timeout limits and choose the values for your situation that are appripriate.
Treat this the same as for desktop-limited tests, where the Lock/Unlock MUTEX may be an effective solution.
Manage cookies that may be shared between runs very carefully, and DeleteCookies only when necessary.