Problem Description
There are several other methods for accomplishing a Copy/Paste operation on
a web page.
The approach used here involves these steps:
Here is a step by step illustration.
... GotoLink "http://www.google.com" SaveSelectedText 0 "Extract" 75 0 25 "" ...
... SaveMesssage "Front.file.txt" "$NAME=" SystemCallWait "cmd /c /b \"Front.file.txt\"+\"Extract.txt\" \"Actual.txt\" " ...
Note that the system call is made to the Windows command line processor, cmd and the options which follow it are instructions to justapose the two file fragments into the required format. The same system call could be used to invoke, for example, a PERL script that could perform more complicated processing.
... CallScript Secondary.evs "!Actual.txt" ...
Additional Comments
This kind of operation will be desktop safe because it does not require use of the desktop.
This operation may not be loadtest safe because two or more instances of the same script running
in parallel may both use the copy command at the same time, but this could be overcome
by bracketing the SystemCallWait command with Lock/Unlock.