Example Program #03
This example involves a much more sophisticated process, aimed
at automatically determining the relative result page
location of a successful search engine invocation.
This is the kind of calculation that is commonly done in
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) work.
Problem Description
The Google search for KEYWORD yields a set of pages, and you go to
the next page by clicking on MORE. On each page, search
for KEYWORD and then, finding that,
confirm the URL is below it on the page, or does not appear.
# $KEYWORD = the phrase (string) being searched for # $COMPANY_URL = the company URL that is supposed to be found # $COMPANY_DOMAIN = the company DOMAIN that is supposed to be found InitLink www.google.com Type the $KEYWORD into the search box Run the search page = 1 While (there are still result pages to examine) found-index = 0 found-index = Search the page for an instance of $COMPANY_URL or $COMPANY_DOMAIN, if any if (found-index > 0) OK, there is an instance! Report the found-index (page position) to the user along with the page number where it was found. EXIT else page = page + 1 endif endwhile |
Example Program
This is what a the C++ program that uses the eValid EPI to
accomplish the above process looks like.
#include "epi.h" using namespace std; int main() { long index; ::CoInitialize(NULL); IEvalid * pEvalid = NULL; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Evalid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IEvalid, (void**)&pEvalid); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // End of setup section, beginning of programmatic area... { pEvalid->InitLink(CComBSTR("http://www.google.com/")); pEvalid->InputValue(0, 62, CComBSTR("TEXT"), NULL, CComBSTR("q"), CComBSTR("e2s"), NULL, NULL); pEvalid->SubmitClick(0, 64, NULL, CComBSTR("btnG"), CComBSTR("Google Search"), NULL); CComBSTR bstr_Status; BOOL bDone = FALSE; do { pEvalid->MatchString(0, CComBSTR("www.bushmaster.com"), 1, NULL); pEvalid->get_LastPlaybackStatus(&bstr_Status); if (bstr_Status == "ERROR") { // Click on the Next button pEvalid->IndexSet(0); pEvalid->IndexFindElement(0, CComBSTR("DOWN"), CComBSTR("id"), CComBSTR("nn"), NULL, &index); pEvalid->IndexFollowLink(0, NULL); } else bDone = TRUE; } while (!bDone ); pEvalid->Release(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- else if (hr == E_ACCESSDENIED) cout << "Missing a valid EPI license key!" << endl; else cout << "Unable to load EPI!" << endl; ::CoUninitialize(); return 0; } |