Your e-Business Quality Partner eValid™ -- The Web Quality Suite
Browser-Based Client-Side Functional Testing and Validation Page Timing/Tuning Transaction Monitoring. WebSite Spidering & Analysis and Realistic Server Loading.

eValid -- DOM Support Architecture
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An *evs script is a memoryless sequence of commands. This is done by design so that eValid test scripts are simple, do not need to become a "programming language" with its unnecessary complexity, and for universality (a so that an eValid script can run in many, many locations for a variety of reasons).

eValid has DOM Index Motion/manipulation and DOM Value Manipulation commands to add the power of dynamically viewing and manipulating the actual contents of complex web pages, including those which support AJAX applications.

eValid Browser and PageMap with elementValue and sourceIndex identified

eValid Command Architecture
The command architecture for DOM manipulation is divided into two groups: finding and manipulating the sourceIndex, and then, relative to that sourceIndex, reading, saving, setting, and otherwise manipulating values in the DOM.

All of these operations are relative to two variables that refer to locations and values inside the page. As illustrated in the diagram above:

  1. A DOM element, shown highlighted as Circle #1, has a specific sourceIndex value. All of the elements on any particular page always have unique sourceIndex values.

  2. The sourceIndex value, here revealed in the eValid PageMap as Circle #2, always has a specific numeric value, in this case the value is "26".

  3. Each such page element -- there may be dozens or even many hundreds of these -- has a collection of associated properties which have defined names and which may have a value.

    For example, the value of the tagName property at sourceIndex = 23 is "H3", as shown in Circle #3.

The actual operations you can perform on a page can be anything you wish, using eValid capabilities such as:

Please see the DOM Analysis/Support Summary for complete details on how eValid helps deal with complex pages at the DOM level.